[Closed] Move in opposite direction
I simply have two objects in a scene and I want object A to move in the opposite direction of B. So if you were to draw a straight line from A.center to B.center and then move object A in the opposite direction along that path.
delete objects
A = teapot radius:26 pos:[-7,11,0]
B = teapot radius:26 pos:[7,-11,0]
offset = units.decodevalue "1m"
if intersects A B do (
--move object A in the opposite direction of B by amount 'offset'
--move object B in the opposite direction of A by amount 'offset'
How do I then apply the offset to move the object in the direction opposite of the other object?
delete objects
A = teapot radius:26 pos:[-7,11,0]
B = teapot radius:26 pos:[7,-11,10]
point pos:A.pos
point pos:B.pos
offset = units.decodevalue "1m"
if intersects A B do (
p3 = (B.center - A.center)*2
A.pos += p3 --move object A in the opposite direction of B by amount 'offset'
B.pos += -p3 --move object B in the opposite direction of A by amount 'offset'
you already solved it but because i wrote the function anyway:
fn moveThemOut nodes: offset:1 =
if nodes == unsupplied do nodes = selection as array
center = [0,0,0]
for node in nodes do center += node.transform.pos
center /= nodes.count
for node in nodes do
dir = normalize (node.transform.pos - center)
move node (dir*offset)
delete objects
A = teapot radius:26 pos:[-7,11,0]
B = teapot radius:26 pos:[7,-11,10]
point pos:A.pos wirecolor:red
point pos:B.pos wirecolor:red
offset = units.decodevalue "1.0m"
if intersects A B do (
p3 = (B.center - A.center)
p3= normalize p3
m = A.pos + (offset * p3)
A.pos = -m
B.pos = m
I’m trying to make a script which takes a selection of objects and moves them in an outward direction away from any object they may be intersecting with.
The below script works but the method of seperating the objects based of the vector created by it’s intersecting object is more ideal.
/* Scene Setup */
delete objects
for c = 0 to 2 do (
for i = 0 to 2 do (
for r = 0 to 2 do (
boxSize = 10
local thisBox = box height:10 width:10 length:10 pos:[i*8,(r*8),(c*8)] wirecolor:(random white black)
fn isNodeIntersecting obj objArray = (
testNodes = for itm in objArray where itm != obj collect itm
for itm in testNodes do
if (intersects obj itm) do return false
curSel = objects as array
for o in curSel do
conflict = isNodeIntersecting o curSel
while conflict != true do
move o [10,10,10]
conflict = isNodeIntersecting o curSel
the way that you are doing it is a ‘ping-pong’. you move one object away from some other but it might make it intersected with the third one, and have to move it again, and again, and again… the question is… what direction has it to be.
there is another way. make 3D virtual grid buffer. check what cells are taken by nodes. find intersected nodes. and move one of them to closest empty cell. for the same size objects it has to work fast and well.
This is an older method I was using. I figured implementing the movement of each object to be in the opposite direction of it’s intersector would be better. From what you’re saying these is a bit more to it than just that.
/* Scene Setup */
delete objects
for c = 0 to 2 do (
for i = 0 to 2 do (
for r = 0 to 2 do (
boxSize = 10
local thisBox = box height:10 width:10 length:10 pos:[i*8,(r*8),(c*8)] wirecolor:(random white black)
fn isNodeIntersecting obj objArray = (
testNodes = for itm in objArray where itm != obj collect itm
for itm in testNodes do
if (intersects obj itm) do return false
curSel = objects as array
for o in curSel do
conflict = isNodeIntersecting o curSel
while conflict != true do
move o [random -5 5,random -5 5,random -5 5]
conflict = isNodeIntersecting o curSel