[Closed] Move Macrscript Folder
I need to move the macroscript folder out of the 3dsmax5 folder to my D: dirve. I can’t find anywhere in the 3dsamx.ini to point to it. Does anybody know how to cofigure max to load the scripts from the folder if I move it.
Customise/configure paths only allows you to set the scripts folder and the start-up scripts forlder but not the macroscripts folder. Unless you know something else I don’t.
Hmm I overlooked that you said Macorscripts. since that is a subdirectory of the UI folder i don’t think you can move it. why would you want to ?
We are running a software called deep freeze that rebuilds the C: drive every time the machine is rebooted. So any new scripts put into the macroscripts folder will be deleted. If I could move it to the D: drive I could get around this problem.
Installing the software on the D: drive defeats the purpose of the Deep Freeze sotware. The only solution I have come up with so far is to have a batch file that I can run that copies the new scripts back onto the C: drive.