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[Closed] Mouse tool gets #abort while click camera viewport
Jan 24, 2013 9:31 pm
I messing around mouse tools. I meet weird problem. When active viewport is associated to camera tool returns #abort when I click it.
That happens under max 9 32, when tested with 2010 tool works fine.
Code for testing:
tool mTool
on freeMove do format "freeMove : %
" mouse.pos
on mousePoint clickno do
format "Point: %
" clickno
print (getActiveCamera())
on mouseAbort clickno do format "Abort: %
" clickno
on mouseMove clickno do format "Moving: %
" clickno
on start do print "Starting"
startTool mTool prompt:"Hello!"
1 Reply
Jan 24, 2013 9:31 pm
I found out it happens while camera is placed at 0,0,0. It seems to be exception in mouse tool screen to scene calculations.