[Closed] Motion Capture
I just made a simple script that lets me drive a car (in real time) around my scene. I move around using two sliders (accelaration, steering). Is there a way to capture that motion and produce keyframes?
Thank you in advance
u could use motion controller and your mouse or joystick…than use the motion capture utility…
Is it nessesary to add mouse or joystic functionality? I’m trying to do it by just moving the sliders I already have. Is this impossible?
if you use motion capture controller you will need to capture motion, so you could use your keyboard (binding to keys)…
but i dont think that your script will help you with this…
EDIT: you could bind the acceleration and steering to slider, so will see your slider moving while pressing the keyboard…but just by pushing the sliders…therefore you will probably get MUCH more involved to scripting…