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[Closed] Misc info in the wieports


Since i’m working almost all the time in expert mode (i have a really small monitor) so i’m wondering do you know a script for displaying in the viewport whether ‘ignore backface’ is on or off? Or displaying the snap mode, scale mode and so on…


2 Replies

Hi, i have this little thingy, it displays some information in the upper left corner of the viewport, under the viewport name.
it uses a redrawViewCallback for updating, so it might decrease performance, but i think it’s only noticeable while playing back an animation…

you can edit the script so it shows the information you want, it currently shows the selected object(s), transform mode, coordsys, snapmode and subobjectlevel, but you can add as many as you want, just look at the VP_Infos() function, that’s where the text is set up.

hope it helps!

--- ShowViewportStats
     --- Write specific information into the viewport
     struct VP_InfoText (textArray = #(), color = #())
    function write_VP_Text infoText =            --- write text into viewport
         gw.setTransform(Matrix3 1)
         LineCount = infoText.textArray.count
         tSizeArray = #()
         for tl = 1 to LineCount do append tSizeArray (gw.GetTextExtent infoText.textArray[tl]).x
         maxX = amax tSizeArray
         ySize1 = (gw.GetTextExtent infoText.textArray[1]).y
         ySize = ySize1 * LineCount    
         theColor = black
         for tl = 1 to LineCount do 
             if infoText.color[tl] != undefined then theColor = infoText.color[tl]
            gw.wText [5, 35 + (ySize1 * ( tl - 1)) - 3 ,0] infoText.textArray[tl] color:theColor
         gw.enlargeUpdateRect #whole
    function VP_Infos =                      --- setup text
        newText = VP_InfoText()                 --- create new Text Object
         curObj = getCurrentSelection()
    if curObj.count != 0 do                 --- add selected Objects
             objText = "Node: "
             for o=1 to curObj.count do objText = ObjText + curObj[o].name + ", "
             objText = subString objText 1 (objText.count - 2)
             append newText.textArray objText
             append newText.color black
    cMode = toolMode.commandMode as String             --- add current Transform Mode
         append newText.textArray ("Transform: " + cMode)
         append newText.color black
    cCoord = (getRefCoordSys()) as string             --- add current CoordSys
         if cCoord == "hybrid" then cCoord = "view"
         append newText.textArray ("CoordSys: " + cCoord)
         append newText.color black
    if == true then                  --- add SnapMode
             snapText = "Snapmode: " + (snapMode.type as string)
             append newText.textArray snaptext
             append newText.color black
    if ((subobjectlevel != undefined) and (subobjectlevel != 0)) then        --- add Subobjectlevel
             subText = "Subobject Level: " + (subobjectlevel as string)
             append newText.textArray subtext
             append newText.color black
         write_VP_Text newText
     rollout ro_ShowViewportStats "VP Stats"
         checkbutton ui_start "Enable" pos:[5,5] width:70 height:20
         on ui_start changed state do
             if state == true do
                 registerRedrawViewsCallBack VP_Infos
                 ui_start.caption = "Disable"
             if state == false do
                 unregisterRedrawViewsCallBack VP_Infos
                 gw.enlargeUpdateRect #whole
                 ui_start.caption = "Enable"
         on ro_ShowViewportStats close do 
             unregisterRedrawViewsCallBack VP_Infos 
     createDialog ro_ShowViewportStats width:80 height:30 style:#(#style_toolwindow, #style_sysmenu)

Thank you, Cthulhu!

I’ll try to modify the script and if i succeed i’ll post it here.

Thanka again.