[Closed] Merging all objects under helper
I want to merge a Dummy Helper type object and all its children into my scene. I tried:
mergeMAXFile file #(helper_name)
which imported the Helper object, but not its children.
Is there a way to import the children too?
Not directly that i know of… the easiest thing to do is write a function that will merge everything, then delete the stuff that you don’t want. Only other way I know of is to write that data out in the first place on file save (from the file with the helper).
oh really…
Is there a property to determine what objects are children of a Dummy Helper? Like what isGroupMember does for groups.
Try this:
ObjAry = getMAXFileObjectNames file
mergeMAXFile file ObjAry #select
deselect $helper_name.children
deselect $helper_name
delete $
this will give array of children of the helper…
^That’s pretty much exactly what I was thinking.
Something to watch out for are layers – if something comes in to a hidden layer (ie layer 0 but layer 0 is hidden) it won’t be selected after the merge.
thanks Akram – just what I was needed.
And thanks for the warning SoLiTuDe about hidden layers.