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[Closed] MergeXRefItemsIntoScene broken in 2011?


can anyone out there confirm that objXRefMgr.MergeXRefItemsIntoScene is broken in 3dsmax 2011?
normally if I select an xref object and type “objXRefMgr.MergeXRefItemsIntoScene selection” this should merge the selection in. Or a little better:

		for o in selection do
		   if iskindof o XRefObject then (
				if o.unresolved == true then 
					print ("ERROR: found unresolved item "+ o.srcItemName)
					return false
			   append items o

		objXRefMgr.MergeXRefItemsIntoScene items

I just switched from 2008. This seems broken now. Can anyone try in 2012? Is this broken there too?
Or am I getting crazy?

Best regards,

2 Replies
objXRefMgr.MergeXRefItemsIntoScene selection

returns true but the selection is still an XRef object.

Max 2012 Design 64 bit.

I logged this as a bug at I thought I had seen a better bug report page in the past. Is there a 3dsmax specific one somewhere?