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[Closed] MenuMan Add existing Menu

I’m getting a bit lost in Menuman at the moment, I want to add in the old File menu by script as I’m fed up of max constantly losing my UI changes.

I know you can get the old File menu using…

menuMan.findMenu "&File"

But how do I add this to the main toolbar?

mm = menuMan.getMainMenuBar()
7 Replies

try this

m = menuMan.findMenu "&File"
mainMenu = menuMan.getMainMenuBar()
menuItem = menuMan.createSubMenuItem "File" m
mainmenu.addItem menuITem (mainMenu.numItems())

I tried almost exactly that and it’s not working… max 2013…

I´m stuck in max 2011. 🙁
so i need a solution if i update.

This works in max2014:

 m = menuMan.findMenu "&File" 
 mainMenu = menuMan.getMainMenuBar() 
 menuIt = menuMan.createSubMenuItem "&File" m 
 mainmenu.addItem menuIt 1

I changed menuItem variable to menuIt. Looks like menuItem is now a reserved word.
I put it the first in the mainMenu.
And in max2014 dont need use menuman.updateMenuBar()

Thanks!! That works in 2013 but only if you put the update command in.

Here’s a useful startup script, good for when your UI corrupts (which mine seems to do on a weekly basis) It checks to see if the menu is there, if not, it put it in.

mainMenu = menuMan.getMainMenuBar() 
if ((mainmenu.getitem 1).getTitle()) != "&File" do
	m = menuMan.findMenu "&File" 
	menuIt = menuMan.createSubMenuItem "File" m 
	mainmenu.addItem menuIt 1

You are welcome.
I’m glad that worked. I have a similar startup script for my own Menu tools and i didn´t tried it yet in max 2012-2013-2014.

We have a bug!

I update the other post,
we should use

menuIt = menuMan.createSubMenuItem "&File" m

instead of

menuIt = menuMan.createSubMenuItem "File" m