[Closed] Maxscript timer Autosave
is it possible to start a timer ui when the autosave’s timer starts to run?
i would like to create a snooze button for the autosave but i need to start a timer when is perfomed an action like autosave’s timer do.
i’ve already thought a workaroud using getSaveRequired (scene’s dirty flag (scene needs saving) ) which is the source that the autosave’s timer follow to start it’s countdown according to this:
In versions prior to 3ds Max 9, the Auto-Backup feature would continue saving even if the scene was untouched. Over a long period of time it was possible for the user to return to their computer and have all their autobackup files completely overwritten with the ‘latest’ scene.
This has been fixed in 3ds Max 9and higher by respecting the scene’s dirty flag (scene needs saving). If the scene has not been changed, no backup will be performed. — MAXScript help
but there is a problem, after i snoozed the timer i also need to clear the scene’s dirty flag but that means to clear all the undo action which would be better not.
another way could be make the autosave’s timer work like in prior version of maxscript (In versions prior to 3ds Max 9, the Auto-Backup feature would continue saving even if the scene was untouched. Over a long period of time it was possible for the user to return to their computer and have all their autobackup files completely overwritten with the ‘latest’ scene. ) so i only need to start the timer on fixed interval