1.-first at all, big thanks for the tip_big_tools.
i want to know if possible to make an adittion to the Editor User.Properties so i can change in real time the colors…using the color palette.
2.-I dont know how to change in that script the color selection, for me is hard to see the diference (selec/non select).
the image attached help to explain what i need
Thanks in advance
Im using vim for a long time , as the editor of maxscript . I write a listener script , let it start when max start up . it is a timer , check a file when tick tick , then run the edited script found in a specific folder .
rollout debugTool ""
checkbutton switchClock "debug" checked:true
timer checkclock "checkclock" interval:1000 active:true
on switchClock changed val do
if switchClock.checked then
checkClock.active = true
checkClock.active = false
on checkclock tick do
-- read file in C folder .
if ( doesfileexist "c:\\src.ms" ) then
-- delete old exe file .
deletefile "c:\\debug.ms"
-- copy file .
copyfile "c:\\src.ms" "c:\\debug.ms"
-- delete old src file .
deletefile "c:\\src.ms"
-- run file .
try ( filein "c:\\debug.ms" ) catch ( print " error in debug " )
)createdialog debugTool 40 30 0 0
in Vim , edit the _vimrc file , add a line :
:imap <esc>:w<cr>:w! c\\src.ms<cr>
that is : edit the codes in Vim , when press F5 , vim will write the buffer to file name : c:\src.ms . coz the max started , and my script running , when tick , it will get the file , src.ms , then copy it to debug.ms , delete src.ms , run debug.ms . that is my way .
the connection of vim and 3ds max need a listener , so , let max script do it .
we can enjoy powerful Vim , superTab , nerdTree , fast dictionary for autocomplete , map keys , abbreviate self define …
the dict file can be convert from maxscript.api file which fit for sciTE .
Project panel in Maxscript Editor?
Maxscript Editor is use SciTE. So can realize a project window management dock left in it ? that will be prety cool! and useful.
Is it possible to highlight all similar to selected word in the maxscript editor?
selection blabla bla same word: selection
The option
from http://www.scintilla.org/SciTEDoc.html not work for me.
where i can found some new about maxscript?
thanks in advance
Do you want to change button titles of these tools? (replace with translation)