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[Closed] Maxscript Wishlist

My number 1 wishlist at the moment is:

  1. COMPLETE character studio control.:hmm:

Guess that won’t happen though.

Reality3D –
You might want to look into using getSubanimName() and building an executable string with the result, in order to access the subanim in a more flexible way. I’ll mess around with it and see if I can come up with a working example.


Okay, never mind. That returns terribly useless information. There’s a better way, but I’m too tired right now to go into it. Maybe soon:surprised


Reality3D & LF,

I think the subanim searching is not even the hardest part…
btw; You need to call the .object property of the subanim. This gives you the actual node which (I think) you can get/set.

The hardest part is to check whether 2 maps are actually the same… for example the #bitmap property. You can’t compare bitmap values (will always return false). The same goes for the #coords property. This is not a value, but a collection of other properties… So you need to compare all these “sub-properties”…

Another thing to keep in mind; you can’t just compare values, because 1 of the properties might have a controller with a couple of keys in there. So you would need to check if they share the same kind of controller and you also must loop through each key to see if they also have the same values.

Maybe I missed something, but I’m affraid it won’t be easy to script this…

hmm, a more clear and better structured maxscript reference? I don’t really like the markup of it, and it would be nice if there would be an alphabetical index of functions.

more control for ui design would be cool too. i heard gmax uses flash, that would be cool in max

anyway i’m just starting to learn it, so i can’t add much more.

i’ve also ran into stuff that can be accesed like the time tags, making everything accesible should be looked into. being able to loft through scripting seems interesting indeed

Originally posted by magicm
[B]Reality3D & LF,

I think the subanim searching is not even the hardest part…
btw; You need to call the .object property of the subanim. This gives you the actual node which (I think) you can get/set.

.object only have read access. If it had write acces you could simply write(for example)

meditMaterials[1][1][4].object ->Map #1:Bitmap
meditMaterials[2][1][4].object ->Map #2:Bitmap

classof meditMaterials[1][1][4].object ->BitmapTexture
classof meditMaterials[2][1][4].object ->BitmapTexture

If(meditMaterials[1][1][4].object.filename==meditMaterials[2][1][4].object.filename) then

[B]The hardest part is to check whether 2 maps are actually the same… for example the #bitmap property. You can’t compare bitmap values (will always return false). The same goes for the #coords property. This is not a value, but a collection of other properties… So you need to compare all these “sub-properties”…

Another thing to keep in mind; you can’t just compare values, because 1 of the properties might have a controller with a couple of keys in there. So you would need to check if they share the same kind of controller and you also must loop through each key to see if they also have the same values.

Maybe I missed something, but I’m affraid it won’t be easy to script this… [/B]

I don’t understand what you are saying. You only have to compare the filename and you can get it from .object.objectproperties

The problem i have is that i cannot instance with subanims, only using named property accesses(and they are a LOT of possibilities here)

I found a solution about the instancing problem. I expect to code it this night

Woooo, that’s great, wasn’t expectin’ someone to find a solution I’m fully unable to code anythin’ myself Many thanks for any hints


I couldn’t resist until this night, and it was easier than I expected, so here it is. It searchs for the filename, so if you have the same bitmap at

c: mp mp1.jpg
c:\3d\maps mp1.jpg

it will instance them

The key to the instance problem was to use .value property of subanim instead of .object
Something like this



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