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[Closed] Maxscript Render to texture doesn't save file

Hey everyone !

I’d like to do a script wich render 4 render to texture passes.
I wrote this piece of code. Everything seems to work fine except for the rendering.

If i launch the render within the render to texture dialog it does exactly what i want but with the “render rendertype:#bakeSelected” function nothing seems to be saved…I don’t understand ! :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: HEEELllllppp

MyObj = $
global Objbakeproperties = MyObj.INodeBakeProperties
global Prjbakeproperties = MyObj.INodeBakeProjProperties

fn Bake_3lp obj size mapType Mapname fullfilename =
	Objbakeproperties.bakeEnabled = true -- autorise baking
	Objbakeproperties.bakeChannel = 1 -- uv channel to bake
	Objbakeproperties.nDilations = 2  -- pading	
	fPath = getFilenamePath fullfilename
    fName = getFilenameFile fullfilename
    fType = getFilenameType fullfilename		
	BakeElem = mapType 
	BakeElem.elementname = Mapname
	BakeElem.enabled = true
	BakeElem.outputSzX = size
	BakeElem.outputSzY = size
	BakeElem.filterOn = true

	BakeElem.filenameUnique = True
	BakeElem.filename = fPath+fName+".exr"
    BakeElem.fileType = ".exr"

	Objbakeproperties.addBakeElement BakeElem 

Objbakeproperties.removeAllBakeElements() --clear all to be safe and clean

RenderSize = 128
Bake_3lp MyObj RenderSize (VRayCompleteMap ()) "VRayCompleteMap" "C:\\Complete.exr"
Bake_3lp MyObj RenderSize (VRayDiffuseFilterMap ()) "Diffuse" "C:\\Diffuse.exr"
Bake_3lp MyObj RenderSize (VRayMtlReflectGlossinessBake ()) "Reflect" "C:\\Reflect.exr"
Bake_3lp MyObj RenderSize (VRayNormalsMap ()) "Normal" "C:\\Normal.exr"

select MyObj
try(destroyDialog gTextureBakeDialog)catch() "Render" "BakeDialog"
render rendertype:#bakeSelected vfb:false progressBar:true outputSize:[RenderSize,RenderSize]