[Closed] Maxscript – Display distance object
I have got a script file used display distance but it’s not perfect, post script section to forum hope everyone can help me
rollout viewDistance "Show Distance" width:342 height:41
-- Creat two button Show/Hide distance
button btnShow "Show Distance" pos:[11,6] width:150 height:28
button btnHide "Hide Distance" pos:[171,6] width:150 height:28
global addedObject = #()
------------ Events-------------
on btnShow pressded do
addedObject = #()
p = $
flag = false
if classof p == ChamferBox do
objBox = Box height:p.Height Width:p.Width Length:p.Length lengthsegs:1 widthsegs:1 heightsegs:1 pos:p.pos
p = objBox
flag = true
if classof p== ChamferCyl do
objSh = Sphere radius:p.Radius
p = objSh
flag = true
--------------------------- define GeoSphere pos -------------------------
local theMesh = convertToMesh (p)
for v = 1 to getNumVerts theMesh do
vert = getVert theMesh v
geo = GeoSphere radius:1 pos:vert
join addedObject #(geo)
update theMesh
local theEditablePoly = convertToPoly (p)
for iEdge = 1 to theEditablePoly.getNumEdges() do
--getEdgeLength p i
------ calculate distance -------------------------------
-- get vertexes defining the edge into an Array
local aiEdgeVerts = polyOp.getEdgeVerts theEditablePoly iEdge
-- get vertexes positions into an Array
local ap3VertPosition = for iVert in aiEdgeVerts collect
polyOp.getVert theEditablePoly iVert
-- return the distance between vertexes
--return (distance ap3VertPosition[1] ap3VertPosition[2])
dis = distance ap3VertPosition[1] ap3VertPosition[2]
--format "Length of edge % is: %
" iEdge dis
--------- Draw line-----------------------------
newSpline = SplineShape thickness:3 pos: ap3VertPosition[1] render_useViewportSettings:true
addNewSpline newSpline
addKnot newSpline 1 #corner #line ap3VertPosition[1]
addKnot newSpline 1 #corner #line ap3VertPosition[2]
updateShape newSpline
--newSpline = drawLineBetweenTwoPoints ap3VertPosition[1] ap3VertPosition[2]
join addedObject #(newSpline)
--[10,20,30] [100,200,10]--
----- inout text------------
x = (ap3VertPosition[2].x + ap3VertPosition[1].x + 1)/2
y = (ap3VertPosition[2].y + ap3VertPosition[1].y)/2
z = (ap3VertPosition[2].z + ap3VertPosition[1].z - 1)/2
textStr = dis as string+units.MetricType as string
--txt = inputText [x,y,z] textStr
txt = Text text:textStr size:5 pos: [x,y,z]
convertToPoly txt
join addedObject #(txt)
--txt.rotation = quat 0.71902 -0.279805 -0.178069 0.610746
update txt
if flag = true then
delete p
messagebox "Select object, pls"
on btnHide pressed do
for o in addedObject do
delete o
fn drawLineBetweenTwoPoints pointA pointB =
ss = SplineShape thickness:3 pos:pointA render_useViewportSettings:true
addNewSpline ss
addKnot ss 1 #corner #line PointA
addKnot ss 1 #corner #line PointB
updateShape ss
createDialog viewDistance
-- 2 commands go together for auto display
cui.RegisterDialogBar viewDistance -- minSize: -1 maxSize: -1 style:(#cui_dock_top, #cui_dock_right )
cui.DockDialogBar viewDistance #cui_dock_top
No need to re-invent the wheel
I have a script section, i found it at www.scriptspot.com forum, but i need modify it that add arrow at start of line and end of line.
This script uses to measure dimension object
macroscript Dimensions
tooltip:"Dimensions object 2011"
buttonText:"Dimensions object 2011"
global DrawTextOnViewports
global rol_TextColor
unRegisterRedrawViewsCallback DrawTextOnViewports
local drawFaceArea = false
local selSpline = undefined
local edgeLengthArr = #()
local textColor = green
local overAll = "Nothing to display ! Go to Edge or Polygon sub-object level !"
local objLength = undefined
local objHeight = undefined
local objWidth = undefined
local backLeftBottom = undefined
local frontLeftBottom = undefined
local backLeftTop = undefined
local backRightBottom = undefined
local lineArr = #(undefined,undefined,undefined)
local linePoints = #([0,0,0], [0,0,0])
local moGetFaceArea = meshop.getFaceArea
local moGetNumFaces = meshOp.getNumFaces
local moGetFaceCenter = meshop.getFaceCenter
local meshGetFaceSel = getFaceSelection
local moGetVertsUsingEdge = meshop.getVertsUsingEdge
local moGetVert = meshop.getVert
local moGetFacesUEdge = meshop.getFacesUsingEdge
local meshGetEdgeSel = getEdgeSelection
local moGetEdgesUVert = meshop.getEdgesUsingVert
local poGetNumFaces = polyOp.getNumFaces
local poGetFaceCenter = polyop.getFaceCenter
local poGetFaceSel = polyOp.getFaceSelection
local poGtEdgeVerts = polyOp.getEdgeVerts
local poGetVertSel = polyOp.getVertSelection
local poGetEdgeSel = polyOp.getEdgeSelection
local poGetVert = polyOp.getVert
local poGetFaceArea = polyOp.getFaceArea
local poGetFacesUEdge = polyop.getFacesUsingEdge
local poGetEdgesUVert = polyop.getEdgesUsingVert
function ClearViewports =
edgeLengthArr = undefined
selSpline = undefined
overAll = undefined
objLength = undefined
objHeight = undefined
objWidth = undefined
lineArr = #(undefined,undefined,undefined)
linePoints = #([0,0,0], [0,0,0])
unRegisterRedrawViewsCallback DrawTextOnViewports
function VertSelMiddleCenter vertSel curObj sN type =
local posX = 0
local posY =0
local posZ = 0
local cnt = 0
case type of
1: -- editable_poly
for i in vertSel do
posX = posX + (in coordsys world (poGetVert curObj i).x)
posY = posY + (in coordsys world (poGetVert curObj i).y)
posZ = posZ + (in coordsys world (poGetVert curObj i).z)
cnt = cnt + 1
2: -- edit_poly
for i in vertSel do
posX = posX + (in coordsys world (curObj.GetVertex i).x)
posY = posY + (in coordsys world (curObj.GetVertex i).y)
posZ = posZ + (in coordsys world (curObj.GetVertex i).z)
cnt = cnt + 1
3: -- editable_mesh
for i in vertSel do
posX = posX + (in coordsys world (moGetVert curObj i).x)
posY = posY + (in coordsys world (moGetVert curObj i).y)
posZ = posZ + (in coordsys world (moGetVert curObj i).z)
cnt = cnt + 1
4: -- editable_spline
for i in vertSel do
posX = posX + (in coordsys world (getKnotPoint curObj sN i).x)
posY = posY + (in coordsys world (getKnotPoint curObj sN i).y)
posZ = posZ + (in coordsys world (getKnotPoint curObj sN i).z)
cnt = cnt + 1
middleX = posX / cnt
middleY = posY / cnt
middleZ = posZ / cnt
point3 middleX middleY middleZ
function GetEdgeUsingVertsEPM curSel edges =
local edgeVerts = #()
for i in edges do
edgeVerts[1] = curSel.GetEdgeVertex i 1 node:$
edgeVerts[2] = curSel.GetEdgeVertex i 2 node:$
function GetEdgeLength curSel edgeIdx mode =
local vertPos = undefined
case mode of
local edgeVerts = poGtEdgeVerts curSel edgeIdx
vertPos = for iVert in edgeVerts collect poGetVert curSel iVert
local edgeVerts = GetEdgeUsingVertsEPM curSel #(edgeIdx)
vertPos = for iVert in edgeVerts collect curSel.GetVertex iVert
local edgeVerts = moGetVertsUsingEdge curSel edgeIdx
vertPos = for iVert in edgeVerts collect moGetVert curSel iVert
distance vertPos[1] vertPos[2]
function GetEdgesLengthEP selEdges =
local curO = selection[1]
edgeLengthArr = #()
local fullLength = 0
for i = 1 to selEdges.count do
curLength = GetEdgeLength curO selEdges[i] 1
fullLength += curLength
edgeVerts = poGtEdgeVerts curO selEdges[i]
append edgeLengthArr #(curLength,(VertSelMiddleCenter edgeVerts curO 0 1))
overAll = "Total length: "+(units.formatValue fullLength) as string
function GetEdgesLengthEPM curObj selEdges =
edgeLengthArr = #()
local fullLength = 0
for i = 1 to selEdges.count do
edgeVerts = GetEdgeUsingVertsEPM curObj #(selEdges[i])
curLength = GetEdgeLength curObj selEdges[i] 2
fullLength += curLength
append edgeLengthArr #(curLength,(VertSelMiddleCenter edgeVerts curObj 0 2))
overAll = "Total length: "+(units.formatValue fullLength) as string
function GetEdgesLengthEM selEdges =
local curO = selection[1]
edgeLengthArr = #()
local fullLength = 0
for i = 1 to selEdges.count do
edgeVerts = moGetVertsUsingEdge curO selEdges[i]
curLength = GetEdgeLength curO selEdges[i] 3
fullLength += curLength
append edgeLengthArr #(curLength,(VertSelMiddleCenter edgeVerts curO 0 3))
overAll = "Total length: "+(units.formatValue fullLength) as string
function DrawTextOnViewports =
gw.setTransform(Matrix3 1)
if edgeLengthArr.count < 10 do
(-- show the length/area only if the count of selected edges/segments/faces is less then 10
for i = 1 to edgeLengthArr.count do
posInScreen = gw.TransPoint edgeLengthArr[i][2]
if drawFaceArea then -- show face area in only generic units
lengthTXT = (edgeLengthArr[i][1] as string)
else -- show length in user defined units
lengthTXT = units.formatValue ((edgeLengthArr[i][1])as float)
gw.wText posInScreen lengthTXT color:textColor
-- draw the overall length/area in top left corner of the viewport
gw.wText [4,32,0] overAll color:textColor
-- draw objects length-width-height cage
if objLength != undefined and objHeight != undefined and objWidth != undefined do
for i = 1 to lineArr.count do
linePoints[1]= gw.wTransPoint lineArr[i][1]
linePoints[2]= gw.wTransPoint lineArr[i][2]
gw.setColor #line textColor
gw.wPolyline linePoints false
gw.wMarker linePoints[1] #plusSign color:[255,0,0]
gw.wMarker linePoints[2] #plusSign color:[255,0,0]
gw.enlargeUpdateRect #whole
registerRedrawViewsCallback DrawTextOnViewports
function StartDrawing =
-- unRegisterRedrawViewsCallback DrawTextOnViewports
-- registerRedrawViewsCallback DrawTextOnViewports
function GetObjDimension02 curObj getVertPos =
edgeLengthArr = #()
local theMaxX = -2147483648
local theMaxY = -2147483648
local theMaxZ = -2147483648
local theMinX = 2147483648
local theMinY = 2147483648
local theMinZ = 2147483648
for v = 1 to curObj.numverts do
thePos = ( if (classOf curObj) == PolyMeshObject then (getVertPos v) else (getVertPos curObj v) )
if thePos.x > theMaxX then theMaxX = thePos.x
if thePos.y > theMaxY then theMaxY = thePos.y
if thePos.z > theMaxZ then theMaxZ = thePos.z
if thePos.x < theMinX then theMinX = thePos.x
if thePos.y < theMinY then theMinY = thePos.y
if thePos.z < theMinZ then theMinZ = thePos.z
theWidth = (theMaxX) - (theMinX)
theLength = (theMaxY) - (theMinY)
theHeight = (theMaxZ) - (theMinZ)
backLeftTop = [theMinX, theMaxY, theMaxZ]
backLeftBottom = [theMinX, theMaxY, theMinZ]
frontLeftBottom = [theMinX, theMinY, theMinZ]
backRightBottom = [theMaxX, theMaxY, theMinZ]
objLength = distance backLeftBottom frontLeftBottom
objHeight = distance backLeftBottom backLeftTop
objWidth = distance backLeftBottom backRightBottom
lineArr = #(#(backLeftBottom,frontLeftBottom),#(backLeftBottom,backLeftTop),#(backLeftBottom,backRightBottom))
edgeLengthArr = #(#(objLength,frontLeftBottom),#(objHeight,backLeftTop),#(objWidth,backRightBottom))
overAll = "Object dimension"
function GetObjDimension01 =
local curObj = selection[1]
case (classOf curObj) of
Editable_Poly: (GetObjDimension02 curObj poGetVert)
Editable_Mesh: (GetObjDimension02 curObj moGetVert)
Edit_Poly: (GetObjDimension02 curObj (selection[1].modifiers[#Edit_Poly].GetVertex))
default: -- for primitives
theMesh = snapshotasmesh curObj
GetObjDimension02 theMesh getVert
delete theMesh
function StartMainFN =
if selection.count == 1 do
if getCommandPanelTaskMode() == #modify do
if subobjectlevel == 2 or subobjectlevel == 3 do
drawFaceArea = false
if subobjectlevel == 4 or subobjectlevel == 5 do
drawFaceArea = true
if subobjectlevel == 0 do
drawFaceArea = false
if getCommandPanelTaskMode() == #create do
drawFaceArea = false
on isChecked return ::drawInViewportEnabled
on execute do
if ::drawInViewportEnabled != true and ::drawInViewportEnabled != false do ::drawInViewportEnabled = false
::drawInViewportEnabled = not ::drawInViewportEnabled
if ::drawInViewportEnabled then
unRegisterRedrawViewsCallback DrawTextOnViewports
registerRedrawViewsCallback DrawTextOnViewports
if selection.count == 1 do
if (classOf (modPanel.getCurrentObject())) == Edit_Poly then
when select (modPanel.getCurrentObject()) changes id:#SubObj_selectionChange do
when geometry (modPanel.getCurrentObject()) changes id:#FaceScaleChange do
if subobjectlevel == 4 or subobjectlevel == 5 do
local selFaces = (selection[1].modifiers[#Edit_Poly].getSelection #Face) as array
local faceArea = 0
edgeLengthArr = #()
for f in selFaces do
fa = selection[1].modifiers[#Edit_Poly].getFaceArea f
faceArea += fa
append edgeLengthArr #((fa),(selection[1].modifiers[#Edit_Poly].getFaceCenter f))
overAll = ("Total face area: "+(faceArea as string))
if subobjectlevel == 2 or subobjectlevel == 3 do
local vertEdges = (selection[1].modifiers[#Edit_Poly].getSelection #Edge) as array
GetEdgesLengthEPM (selection[1].modifiers[#Edit_Poly]) vertEdges
if subobjectlevel == 1 do
selection[1].modifiers[#Edit_Poly].ConvertSelection #Vertex #Edge
local vertEdges = (selection[1].modifiers[#Edit_Poly].getSelection #Edge) as array
GetEdgesLengthEPM (selection[1].modifiers[#Edit_Poly]) vertEdges
when select selection[1] changes id:#SubObj_SelectionChange do
when geometry selection[1] changes id:#FaceScaleChange do
curObj = selection[1]
if subobjectlevel == 4 or subobjectlevel == 5 do
local curObj = selection[1]
case (classOf curObj) of
local selFaces = poGetFaceSel curObj
local faceArea = 0
edgeLengthArr = #()
for f in selFaces do
fa = (poGetFaceArea curObj f)
faceArea += fa
append edgeLengthArr #((fa),(poGetFaceCenter curObj f))
overAll = ("Total face area: "+(faceArea as string))
local selFaces = meshGetFaceSel curObj
local faceArea = 0
edgeLengthArr = #()
for f in selFaces do
fa = (moGetFaceArea curObj f)
faceArea += fa
append edgeLengthArr #((fa),(moGetFaceCenter curObj f))
overAll = ("Total face area: "+(faceArea as string))
tmpMesh = snapShotAsMesh curObj
local selFaces = meshGetFaceSel tmpMesh
local faceArea = 0
edgeLengthArr = #()
for f in selFaces do
fa = (moGetFaceArea tmpMesh f)
faceArea += fa
append edgeLengthArr #((fa),(moGetFaceCenter tmpMesh f))
delete tmpMesh
overAll = ("Total face area: "+(faceArea as string))
if subobjectlevel == 2 or subobjectlevel == 3 do
local curObj = selection[1]
case (classOf curObj) of
local selEdges = poGetEdgeSel curObj as array
GetEdgesLengthEP selEdges
local selEdges = for i in curObj.selectedEdges collect i.index
GetEdgesLengthEM selEdges
tmpMesh = snapShotAsMesh curObj
local selEdges = for i in tmpMesh.selectedEdges collect i.index
GetEdgesLengthEM selEdges
delete tmpMesh
if subobjectlevel == 1 do
case (classOf curObj) of
local selVert = poGetVertSel curObj
local vertEdges = poGetEdgesUVert curObj selVert as array
GetEdgesLengthEP vertEdges
-- Editable_Mesh: (-- not worked)
if classOf selection[1] == SplineShape or classOf selection[1] == Line do
when geometry selection[1] changes id:#SplineKnotMove do
if subobjectlevel == 1 do
local splineNum = numSplines selection[1]
local totalLenght = 0
edgeLengthArr = #()
if splineNum != 0 then
for s=1 to splineNum do
selKnot = getKnotSelection selection[1] s
if selKnot.count == 1 then
local selSegm = undefined
case selKnot[1] of
1: (selSegm = #(1)) -- the first knot is selected work with first segment
(numKnots selection[1] s): (selSegm = #((numKnots selection[1] s)-1)) -- if the last knot is selected work with last segment
default: (selSegm = #((selKnot[1]-1),selKnot[1])) -- otherwise work with the previous and the next segments
for i in selSegm do
local lengthArray = #()
local segmentArray = #()
local segmentArray = getSegLengths selection[1] s
local segNum = numSegments selection[1] s
for j = (segNum+1) to (segmentArray.count-1) do
append lengthArray segmentArray[j]
curSegmLength = lengthArray[i]
totalLenght += curSegmLength
local curSegmKnots = undefined
if (isClosed selection[1] s) == true then
(-- if spline is closed
if i == segNum then-- text in the center / text in second knot of segment
curSegmKnots = #(i,1) -- #(1)
curSegmKnots = #(i,i+1) -- #(i)
curSegmKnots = #(i,i+1) -- #(i)
append edgeLengthArr #(curSegmLength,(VertSelMiddleCenter curSegmKnots selection[1] s 4))
overAll = "Total length: "+(units.formatValue totalLenght) as string
messagebox "Only one vertex must be selected" title:"miauu Script Error!!!"
if subobjectlevel == 2 do
GetSegmentLength selection[1]
try(destroyDialog rol_TextColor)catch()
rollout rol_TextColor ""
ImgTag it_green bitmap:(bitmap 2 2 color:green) pos:[0,0] width:10 height:10
ImgTag it_red bitmap:(bitmap 2 2 color:red) pos:[10,0] width:10 height:10
ImgTag it_blue bitmap:(bitmap 2 2 color:blue) pos:[20,0] width:10 height:10
ImgTag it_white bitmap:(bitmap 2 2 color:white) pos:[30,0] width:10 height:10
on it_green lbuttondown do
textColor = green
on it_red lbuttondown do
textColor = red
on it_blue lbuttondown do
textColor = blue
on it_white lbuttondown do
textColor = white
createdialog rol_TextColor 40 10 8 135 style:#()
destroyDialog rol_TextColor
deleteAllChangeHandlers id:#SubObj_SelectionChange
deleteAllChangeHandlers id:#SplineKnotMove
deleteAllChangeHandlers id:#FaceScaleChange
yes, above script is livemeasure, but,now i want modify it to add arrow for line
who can help me,
I’m editing it but has finish yet
I am the author of the liveMeasure, so why you don’t ask me to add this arrows?
I’m really sorry miauu, i forgot you are the author of the liveMeasure,
can you help me, please ?
Thanks so much, miauu!
in Viet Nam i’m not found place to learning MaxScript, so my maxscript is very bad
I wish learning from you more,
Thanks !