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[Closed] Maxscript -> Txt file

Hi, I don’t know anything about maxscript, lol. I was just wondering if you can write text files. I want to export coordinates into a text. Why? I use darkbasic and I want to use Max as sort of middleware of sort. I wan’t to arrange everything in max and export them into a txt file.

What functions are there?

4 Replies

Yes you can write out to a file. Look at the “fileStream” class in the help.

ok is there any functions, I guess they woul d be called, that will help me export a property of every object in a scene or selected objects>

fn unde_face =
–file type
rez = getsavefilename types:“txt|*.txt”
return rez

fn c_s =
din_ce = unde_face()
if (din_ce != “”) or (din_ce != undefined) do
fisier = createfile din_ce
for o in objects do
–property to export
format “%,%
” (o.pos as string) ( as string) to:fisier
close fisier


wow thanks, max users are so nice.