[Closed] MaxScript print all vertex weights
i try to make a Max Script that prints all vertex weights into a file to load animations. Here is what i got so far:
f = sysinfo.currentDir+"\\file.vw"
rollout progressBarRollout "Progres Bar" width:600
label fileNameLabel f
button selectFileButton "File"
button startButton "Start"
progressbar progress
on selectFileButton pressed do
f = getSaveFileName caption:"Choose File Name" types:"Vertex Weights(*.vw)"
if f != undefined then
fileNameLabel.text = f
on startButton pressed do
createFile f
file = (openFile f mode:"w")
for sel in objects do (
if((classof sel) == PolyMeshObject) then (
objSkin = sel.modifiers[#skin]
boneCountTotal = skinops.getnumberbones objSkin
vertexCount = sel.numverts
for cvertex = 1 to vertexCount do
boneCount = skinops.getvertexweightcount objSkin cvertex
str = ""
for cbone = 1 to boneCount do
boneWeight = (skinops.getvertexweight objSkin cvertex cbone)
boneID = skinops.getvertexweightboneid objSkin cvertex cbone
if cbone > 1 do
str = str+" "
str = str+(boneID as string)+":"+(boneWeight as string)
print str to:file
progress.value = 100.0*cvertex/vertexCount
close file
createdialog progressBarRollout
The problem is, that i have to print all boneID and there corresponding names at the beginning of the file. How can i iterate through all existing bones and get their bone name and id?
By running this script i also got some weird output stating that some vertices have two different bone-weights for the same bone id that add up to a bone-weight of 1.
Sorry for the probably bad code, i am new to Max Script.
from mxs help:
skinOps.GetBoneName <Skin> <bone_integer> <nameflag_index>
[left]Returns the name of the indexed bone as a string. where nameflag_index can be 0 or 1. If nameflag_index = 0 the node that holds the transform for this bone is returned; = 1 the name that exists in the list box is returned. If a Bones system is used for the Skin bones, the transform for a bone is held by its parent.
if iskindof (sk = modpanel.getcurrentobject()) Skin do
for v=1 to skinops.getnumbervertices sk do
count = skinops.getvertexweightcount sk v
format "% => weights:%
" v count
for k=1 to count do
weight = skinops.getvertexweight sk v k
boneid = skinops.getvertexweightboneid sk v k
bonename = skinops.getbonename sk boneid 0
format " weight:% name:% id:%
" weight bonename boneid
One question performance: whether it is necessary to put all skinOps methods in local variable as polyOp struct before we use them inside for-loop?
Ok. Thanks. Optimized code
if iskindof (sk = modpanel.getcurrentobject()) Skin do
local skinVerts = skinops.getnumbervertices sk
local getVertsWC = skinops.getvertexweightcount
local getVWeight = skinops.getvertexweight
local getBoneID = skinops.getvertexweightboneid
local getBoneName = skinops.getbonename
for v=1 to skinVerts do
count = getVertsWC sk v
format "% => weights:%
" v count
for k=1 to count do
boneid = getBoneID sk v k
format " weight:% name:% id:%
" (getVWeight sk v k) (getBoneName sk boneid 0) boneid
hi to all
i am trying to load weights and bones form arrays to vertexs in skin modifiers .
the problems is the bones id when i get from vertex and also when i set from list bones
is not mached with Replace function,
when i get bone id from vertex like this
skinops.getvertexweightboneid $.skin 1 1 –== > 35
skinops.getvertexweightboneid $.skin 1 2 –==> 34
i create another arrays like this
name_ID = #(#(“Name_B_2”,14,35),#(“Name_B_1”,12,34))
skinOps.ReplaceVertexWeights $.skin 1 #(49,50) #(0.2,0.8)
i use this way to solve deleted nodes and to find sorted index of bone in list
Name_Stor = #()
Ne_Pos = #()
for i = 1 to ((skinOps.GetNumberBones Skin_Mod) + 20) do
bonename = skinops.getbonename Skin_Mod i 0
Append Name_Stor #(bonename , i)
Append Ne_Pos bonename
sort Ne_Pos
for i = 1 to Name_Stor.count do for j = 1 to Ne_Pos.count where Ne_Pos[j] == Name_Stor[i][1] do Name_Stor[i][3] = j
i use name_ID[?][2] for skinOps.ReplaceVertexWeights this works
sometime but some times there is no way findout what is relation bettwen
the getvertexweightboneid and ReplaceVertexWeights for use
can any one help me to …?!