[Closed] MaxScript Theme Editor
Here is an tool, which I made for programmers who like to adjust
some colors in max script language.
It is first version, and not finished yet, but I think that can be used.
First Step:
Before you start do anything backup you settings in MSX_EditorUser.properties.
After this , copy content bellow (Custom Color Scheme) in to MSX_EditorUser.properties.
Be sure that all others colors settings will be removed first.
# Custom Color Scheme
# Give symbolic names to the set of fonts used in the standard styles.(Consolas, ISOCPEUR, Swis721 Cn BT, Lucida Sans Unicode)
font.base=font:Swis721 Cn BT,size:11
font.small=font:Swis721 Cn BT,size:10
# Symbolic names:
# Apply Colours and font settings:
# Maxscript.properties style overrides ( those override the properties in maxscript.properties )
# Line number
# Brace highlight
# Brace incomplete highlight
# Control characters
# Indentation guides
# Default
# White space
# Comment: /**/.
# Line Comment: --.
# Number
# String
# Verbatim strings
# End of line where string is not closed
# Identifiers
# Operators
# Keyword arg name
# Name value
# Pathname
# Keywords1 - Keywords
# Keywords2 - Rollout controls
# Keywords3 - Functions
# Keywords4 - MXS Classes
# Keywords5 - MAXClasses
# Keywords6 - MAXSuperClasses
# Keywords7 - Core interfaces
# Keywords8 - Object sets
# Keywords9 - StructDefs
# Keywords10 - Const reserved globals
# Keywords11 - Reserved globals
# Keywords12 - User defined
Second Step: Run this tool and adjust you colors…
--Maxscript Color Editor
try(destroyDialog mcMaxScriptColorEditorDialog)catch()
--Create a rollout
rollout mcMaxScriptColorEditorDialog "MaxScript Theme Editor:" width:680 height:516
local alphaStr = "0123456789ABCDEF"
local alphaArr = #("0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","A","B","C","D","E","F")
local user_file = getDir #maxData+"\\MXS_EditorUser.properties"
struct TEXT_DATA (pos, line, hex, clr, hint, ftype="Arial", fstyle="Regular", fsize=12)
local user_data = #(), selected_num = 0, str_stream
local all_colors =#\ --40
local key_names =#\ --40
"comment line",
"comment box",
"not used",
"brace hilight",
"brace incomplete",
"indentation guide fore",
"indentation guide back",
"line numbers fore",
"line numbers back",
"margin hilight",
"string verbatim",
" string open fore",
"string open back",
"path name",
"constant globals",
"caret fore",
"caret line back",
"selection fore",
"selection back"
local keywords_01=#\
local keywords_02=#\--interface
local keywords_03=#\--functions
local keywords_04=#\--class
local keywords_05=#\
local keywords_06=#\
local keywords_07=#\
local keywords_08=#\
local keywords_09=#\
local keywords_10=#\
local keywords_11=#\
local keywords_12=#\
local operators=#("[","]","{","}","(",")","+","-","*","=","/","\\",".",",","&","^","%","!","?","<",">")
local numbers =for i=0 to 9 collect i as string
local edit_text =\
Global ColorPattern
struct TEXT_DATA (pos, line, hex, clr, hint)
--line comment
\"string comment\"
fn collectFileData =
local user_file_text = netFile.ReadAllLines user_file
for c in all_colors do
local d = ( findStringInArray user_file_text c )
user_data += #( TEXT_DATA pos:d [ 1 ] line:d [ 2 ] )
for s in user_data do
local hex =\"#\" + getItemColor s.line
s. hex = hex
s.clr = hexToRGB hex
return user_data
#( dotnetObject, stringStream, color )
--Create the dotNet listview control
dotNetControl lv "listView" pos:[392,4] width:283 height:504
dotNetControl text_box "RichTextBox" pos:[8,4] width:380 height:428
colorPicker cp_clr "" pos:[4,468] width:64 height:40 enabled:true --color:red title:"Choose a color"
spinner spn_r "R:" pos:[84,468] width:64 height:16 range:[0,255,0] type:#integer scale:1
spinner spn_g "G:" pos:[164,468] width:64 height:16 range:[0,255,0] type:#integer scale:1
spinner spn_b "B:" pos:[244,468] width:64 height:16 range:[0,255,0] type:#integer scale:1
spinner spn_h "H:" pos:[84,492] width:64 height:16 range:[0,255,0] type:#integer scale:1
spinner spn_s "S:" pos:[164,492] width:64 height:16 range:[0,255,0] type:#integer scale:1
spinner spn_v "V:" pos:[244,492] width:64 height:16 range:[0,255,0] type:#integer scale:1
button btn_gen "Generate" pos:[312,468] width:76 height:40
dropDownList ddl_font "" pos:[8,440] width:268 height:21
button btn_bold "B" pos:[328,440] width:20 height:20
button btn_italic "I" pos:[348,440] width:20 height:20
button btn_under "U" pos:[368,440] width:20 height:20
dropDownList ddl_size "" pos:[280,440] width:44 height:21
fn netDrFont font:"Arial" size:12 style:"Regular" =
local f_style=execute ( "(dotNetClass \"Drawing.FontStyle\")."+style)
dotNetObject "Drawing.Font" font size f_style
fn netDrColor clr = ((dotNetClass "Drawing.Color").fromArgb clr.r clr.g clr.b)
fn findStringInArray arr str =
for i=1 to arr.count where findString arr[ i ] str != undefined do return #( i, arr[ i ])
return undefined
fn getItemColor str =
local fs = FilterString str "#, ,"
return fs[2]
fn hexToDec num = -- used to convert single hex bit to 0-255 color value
n_ = findString alphaStr (substring num 1 1);
_n = findString alphaStr (substring num 2 1);
_n -= 1
n_ -= 1
return (n_ * 16 + _n);
fn decToHex dec = -- used to convert single color value 0-255 to hex bit
n_ = floor (dec / 16)
_n = dec - n_ * 16
n_ += 1
_n += 1
return alphaArr[n_] + alphaArr[_n]
fn hexToRGB hex = -- converts HEX code to RGB code
hex = substituteString hex "#" "" -- audits string for pound sign and deletes it
hex = toUpper hex
local r = hexToDec (substring hex 1 2)
local g = hexToDec (substring hex 3 2)
local b = hexToDec (substring hex 5 2)
return (color r g b)
fn rgbToHEX clr =-- converts RGB code to HEX code
return ("#"+decToHex clr.r + decToHex clr.g + decToHex clr.b )
fn collectFileData =
local netFile = (dotnetClass "IO.File")
local user_file_text = netFile.ReadAllLines user_file
for c=1 to all_colors.count do
local d = (findStringInArray user_file_text all_colors[c])
user_data += #(TEXT_DATA pos:d[1] line:d[2] hint:key_names[c])
for s in user_data do
local hex ="#" + getItemColor s.line
s. hex = hex
s.clr = hexToRGB hex
return user_data
fn initLv theLv=
--Setup the forms view
theLv.view=(dotNetClass "system.windows.forms.view").details
theLv.FullRowSelect=true --Set so full width of listView is selected and not just first column.
theLv.GridLines=true --Show lines between the items.
theLv.MultiSelect=false --Allow for multiple selections.
theLv.foreColor = netDrColor black
--Add columns.
fn addColumns theLv columnsAr sizeArr = (for i=1 to columnsAr.count do theLv.columns.add columnsAr[i] sizeArr[i])
--Adds rows of data to the listView
fn populateList theLv=
rows=#() --Empty array to collect rows of data
for i in user_data do --Loop through all the objects in the scene.
local li=dotNetObject "ListViewItem" "" --Create a listViewItem object and name it.
li.UseItemStyleForSubItems = false
li.backColor = netDrColor i.clr
li.subitems.add i.hex --Add data to the second column.
li.subitems.add i.hint --Add data to the third column.
append rows li --Added the listViewItem to the rows array
theLv.items.addRange rows --Add the array of rows to the listView control.
fn colorize str clr font:"Arial" size:10 style:"regular" search:1=
if classOf clr != Color do return false
text_box.SelectionStart = 0
local search_type = case search of
1: (dotnetClass "RichTextBoxFinds").WholeWord
2: (dotnetClass "RichTextBoxFinds").MatchCase
3: (dotnetClass "RichTextBoxFinds").NoHighlight
4: (dotnetClass "RichTextBoxFinds").Reverse
5: (dotnetClass "RichTextBoxFinds").None
while (text_box.find str text_box.SelectionStart search_type) != -1 and not keyboard.escPressed do
text_box.SelectionFont = netDrFont font:font size:size style:style
text_box.SelectionColor = netDrColor clr
fn higlightLine num clr:green =
local first = text_box.GetFirstCharIndexFromLine num
local last = text_box.GetFirstCharIndexFromLine (num + 1)
If last == -1 do last = text_box.TextLength
text_box.Select first (last - first)
text_box.SelectionBackColor = netDrColor clr
fn colorizeLineComments=
text_box.SelectionStart = 0
local start_pos=0
struct STRING_DATA (txt, line, pos)
local sd = #()
local fs = undefined
for i=1 to text_box.lines.count where (fs=findString text_box.lines[i] "--") !=undefined do sd += #(STRING_DATA text_box.lines[i] i fs)
local search_type = (dotnetClass "RichTextBoxFinds").None
for i in sd do
--format "start_pos:%
" start_pos
local commented_text=substring i .txt i.pos -1
text_box.Find commented_text start_pos search_type
text_box.SelectionColor = netDrColor user_data[3].clr
text_box.SelectionFont = netDrFont font:"Arial" size:10 style:"regular"
start_pos=(text_box.GetFirstCharIndexFromLine i.line)
fn colorizeBoxComments=
text_box.SelectionStart = 0
local start_pos=0
local search_type = (dotnetClass "RichTextBoxFinds").None
start_pos=text_box.Find "/*" start_pos search_type
if start_pos == -1 do return false
end_pos =text_box.Find "*/" start_pos search_type
if end_pos == -1 do return false
text_box.select start_pos end_pos
text_box.SelectionColor = netDrColor user_data[4].clr
fn colorizeStrings=
local start_pos=0
text_box.SelectionStart = 0
local search_type = (dotnetClass "RichTextBoxFinds").None
while start_pos != -1 do
start_pos=text_box.Find "\"" start_pos search_type
if start_pos == -1 do return false
end_pos =text_box.Find "\"" (start_pos+1) search_type
if end_pos == -1 do return false
local text_length = end_pos - (start_pos-1)
text_box.select start_pos text_length
text_box.SelectionColor = netDrColor user_data[18].clr
text_box.SelectionFont = netDrFont font:"Arial" size:10 style:"regular"
start_pos = start_pos+text_length
--text_box.HideSelection = false
fn colorizeKeyword k_array clr:1 size:10 style:"regular" comments:true=
for k in k_array do colorize k user_data[clr+1].clr size:size style:style
if comments do
fn inicializeColors =
text_box.BackColor = netDrColor user_data[1].clr
text_box.ForeColor = netDrColor user_data[2].clr
colorizeKeyword keywords_01 clr:15 size:10 style:"bold" comments:false
colorizeKeyword operators clr:22 size:10 style:"bold" search:5 comments:false
colorizeKeyword numbers clr:14 style:"bold"
colorizeKeyword keywords_03 clr:26 size:10 style:"bold"
colorizeKeyword keywords_04 clr:27 style:"bold"
colorizeKeyword #("#") clr:21 style:"bold"
colorize "#whitespace" user_data[14].clr
--colorize comments
higlightLine 8 clr:user_data[38].clr
fn findItem2 arr str caseSensitive:false=
str = toLower str
for i=1 to arr.count where (toLower arr[i]) == str do return i
return 0
fn colorizeSimpleText =
--text_box.ForeColor = netDrColor clr
--collect all keywords
local all_keywords =(keywords_01+keywords_02+keywords_03+keywords_04+keywords_05+
--get text_box text
--for i in all_keywords do print i
local box_text = filterString text_box.text " .,/\\!?:*-=(){}[]+\"#0123456789
--remove all keywords from text
for k in all_keywords do
local index = findItem2 box_text k
while index != 0 do
deleteItem box_text index
index = findItem2 box_text k
--colorize remain text
local next_pos=0
text_box.SelectionStart = 0
for i in box_text do
next_pos=text_box.Find i next_pos (dotnetClass "RichTextBoxFinds").WholeWord
text_box.SelectionColor = netDrColor user_data[2].clr
--colorize all comment lines -- and boxes /* */
fn inicializeColorsBySelection type:"user" =
local sel=selected_num+1
local clr=user_data[sel].clr
case user_data[sel].hint of
"background":(text_box.BackColor = netDrColor clr )
"foreground":(colorizeSimpleText() )
"comment line":(colorizeLineComments() )
"comment box":(colorizeBoxComments() )
"not used":( )
"brace hilight":( )
"brace incomplete":( )
"indentation guide fore":( )
"indentation guide back":( )
"line numbers fore":( )
"line numbers back":( )
"margin hilight":()
"whitespace":(colorize "#whitespace" user_data[14].clr )
"number":(colorizeKeyword numbers clr:14 style:"bold")
"keyword":(colorizeKeyword keywords_01 clr:15 size:10 style:"bold")
"reserved":( )
"string":(colorizeStrings();colorizeLineComments(); colorizeBoxComments())
"string verbatim":( )
" string open fore":( )
"string open back":( )
"char":(colorizeKeyword #("#") clr:21 style:"bold")
"operator":(colorizeKeyword operators clr:22 size:10 style:"bold" search:5)
"argument":( )
"preproc":( )
"path name":( )
"function":(colorizeKeyword keywords_03 clr:26 size:10 style:"bold")
"class":(colorizeKeyword keywords_04 clr:27 style:"bold" )
"maxclass":( )
"superclass":( )
"coreinterface":( )
"objectset":( )
"struct":( )
"constant globals":( )
"globals":( )
"user":( )
"caret fore":( )
"caret line back":(higlightLine 8 clr:user_data[38].clr)
"selection fore":( )
"selection back":( )
fn sendColorInfo clr =
lv.items.item[selected_num].backColor = netDrColor clr
user_data[selected_num+1].clr = clr
local hex = rgbToHEX clr
user_data[selected_num+1].hex = hex
lv.items.item[selected_num].subItems.item[1].text = hex
fn setupInterfaceBySelectedItem =
local clr = user_data[selected_num+1].clr
spn_r.value = clr.r
spn_g.value = clr.g
spn_b.value = clr.b
spn_h.value = clr.h
spn_s.value = clr.s
spn_v.value = clr.v
cp_clr.color = clr
fn setupIntefaceByChangedValue type val =
local clr = cp_clr.color
case type of
#r:(clr.r = val)
spn_r.value = clr.r
spn_g.value = clr.g
spn_b.value = clr.b
spn_h.value = clr.h
spn_s.value = clr.s
spn_v.value = clr.v
cp_clr.color = clr
sendColorInfo clr
fn inicializeInterface =
user_data = collectFileData()
initLv lv
addColumns lv #("RGB","HEX","Name") #(32, 68, lv.width-(32+68)-22)
populateList lv
lv.Items.item[0].Selected = true
selected_num = 0
--setup tabs size
local int_arr = dotnetObject "System.Int32[]" 6
local tab_size = 0
for i=0 to 5 do int_arr.SetValue (tab_size+=20) i
text_box.SelectionTabs = int_arr
--mcSystem.show text_box
text_box.ShowSelectionMargin = true
--text_box.RightMargin = text_box.width
--text_box.Margin = dotnetObject "Padding" 0
text_box.ReadOnly = true
str_stream= stringStream edit_text
on lv mouseDown arg do
local hit=(lv.HitTest (dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Point" arg.x arg.y))
selected_num = hit.item.Index
print selected_num
on cp_clr changed clr do
sendColorInfo clr
on btn_gen pressed do
text_box.text = ""
for i in user_data do
local hex_pos = (findString i.line "#")
local line_array = filterstring i.line "# ,"
local hex_len = line_array[2].count+1
i.line = replace i.line hex_pos hex_len i.hex
text_box.text += i.line+"
on mcMaxScriptColorEditorDialog open do inicializeInterface()
on spn_r changed val do setupIntefaceByChangedValue #r val
on spn_g changed val do setupIntefaceByChangedValue #g val
on spn_b changed val do setupIntefaceByChangedValue #b val
on spn_h changed val do setupIntefaceByChangedValue #h val
on spn_s changed val do setupIntefaceByChangedValue #s val
on spn_v changed val do setupIntefaceByChangedValue #v val
CreateDialog mcMaxScriptColorEditorDialog
Third Step: press generate button, copy text (ctrl+c).
Open MSX_EditorUser.properties. and replace part of code named # Symbolic names:
Save it and you should have new colors in you editor now.
It is far from perfect ,I know
But if you have a better way to do it or some ideas which will make it bettrer.
I will be glad to see it
Have a nice day :wip:
added more interactive components to preview color changes.
--Maxscript Color Editor
try(destroyDialog mcMaxScriptColorEditorDialog)catch()
--Create a rollout
rollout mcMaxScriptColorEditorDialog "MaxScript Theme Editor:" width:680 height:516
local alphaStr = "0123456789ABCDEF"
local alphaArr = #("0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","A","B","C","D","E","F")
local user_file = getDir #maxData+"\\MXS_EditorUser.properties"
struct TEXT_DATA (pos, line, hex, clr, hint, ftype="Arial", fstyle="Regular", fsize=12)
local user_data = #(), selected_num = 0, str_stream
local all_colors =#\ --40
local key_names =#\ --40
"comment line",
"comment box",
"not used",
"brace hilight",
"brace incomplete",
"indentation guide fore",
"indentation guide back",
"line numbers fore",
"line numbers back",
"margin hilight",
"string verbatim",
" string open fore",
"string open back",
"path name",
"constant globals",
"caret fore",
"caret line back",
"selection fore",
"selection back"
local keywords_01=#\
local keywords_02=#\--preproc
local keywords_03=#\--functions
local keywords_04=#\--class
local keywords_05=#\
local keywords_06=#\
local keywords_07=#\
local keywords_08=#\
local keywords_09=#\
local keywords_10=#\
local keywords_11=#\
local keywords_12=#\
local operators=#("[","]","{","}","(",")","+","-","*","=","/","\\",".",",","&","^","%","!","?","<",">")
local numbers =for i=0 to 9 collect i as string
local edit_text =\
Global ColorPattern
struct TEXT_DATA (pos, line, hex, clr, hint)
--line comment
\"string comment\"
fn collectFileData =
local user_file_text = netFile.ReadAllLines user_file
for c in all_colors do
local d = ( findStringInArray user_file_text c )
user_data += #( TEXT_DATA pos: d [ 1 ] line: d [ 2 ] )
for s in user_data do
local hex =\"#\" + getItemColor s.line
s. hex = hex
s.clr = hexToRGB hex
return user_data
#( dotnetObject, stringStream, color )
#( #char, #integer, #name )
#( dotNetControl, colorPicker, spinner, dropDownList )
--Create the dotNet listview control
dotNetControl lv "listView" pos:[392,4] width:283 height:504
dotNetControl text_box "RichTextBox" pos:[8,4] width:380 height:428
colorPicker cp_clr "" pos:[4,468] width:64 height:40 enabled:true --color:red title:"Choose a color"
spinner spn_r "R:" pos:[84,468] width:64 height:16 range:[0,255,0] type:#integer scale:1
spinner spn_g "G:" pos:[164,468] width:64 height:16 range:[0,255,0] type:#integer scale:1
spinner spn_b "B:" pos:[244,468] width:64 height:16 range:[0,255,0] type:#integer scale:1
spinner spn_h "H:" pos:[84,492] width:64 height:16 range:[0,255,0] type:#integer scale:1
spinner spn_s "S:" pos:[164,492] width:64 height:16 range:[0,255,0] type:#integer scale:1
spinner spn_v "V:" pos:[244,492] width:64 height:16 range:[0,255,0] type:#integer scale:1
button btn_gen "Generate" pos:[312,468] width:76 height:40
dropDownList ddl_font "" pos:[8,440] width:268 height:21
button btn_bold "B" pos:[328,440] width:20 height:20
button btn_italic "I" pos:[348,440] width:20 height:20
button btn_under "U" pos:[368,440] width:20 height:20
dropDownList ddl_size "" pos:[280,440] width:44 height:21
fn netDrFont font:"Arial" size:12 style:"Regular" =
local f_style=execute ( "(dotNetClass \"Drawing.FontStyle\")."+style)
dotNetObject "Drawing.Font" font size f_style
fn netDrColor clr = ((dotNetClass "Drawing.Color").fromArgb clr.r clr.g clr.b)
fn findStringInArray arr str =
for i=1 to arr.count where findString arr[ i ] str != undefined do return #( i, arr[ i ])
return undefined
fn getItemColor str =
local fs = FilterString str "#, ,"
return fs[2]
fn hexToDec num = -- used to convert single hex bit to 0-255 color value
n_ = findString alphaStr (substring num 1 1);
_n = findString alphaStr (substring num 2 1);
_n -= 1
n_ -= 1
return (n_ * 16 + _n);
fn decToHex dec = -- used to convert single color value 0-255 to hex bit
n_ = floor (dec / 16)
_n = dec - n_ * 16
n_ += 1
_n += 1
return alphaArr[n_] + alphaArr[_n]
fn hexToRGB hex = -- converts HEX code to RGB code
hex = substituteString hex "#" "" -- audits string for pound sign and deletes it
hex = toUpper hex
local r = hexToDec (substring hex 1 2)
local g = hexToDec (substring hex 3 2)
local b = hexToDec (substring hex 5 2)
return (color r g b)
fn rgbToHEX clr =-- converts RGB code to HEX code
return ("#"+decToHex clr.r + decToHex clr.g + decToHex clr.b )
fn collectFileData =
local netFile = (dotnetClass "IO.File")
local user_file_text = netFile.ReadAllLines user_file
for c=1 to all_colors.count do
local d = (findStringInArray user_file_text all_colors[c])
user_data += #(TEXT_DATA pos:d[1] line:d[2] hint:key_names[c])
for s in user_data do
local hex ="#" + getItemColor s.line
s. hex = hex
s.clr = hexToRGB hex
return user_data
fn initLv theLv=
--Setup the forms view
theLv.view=(dotNetClass "system.windows.forms.view").details
theLv.FullRowSelect=true --Set so full width of listView is selected and not just first column.
theLv.GridLines=true --Show lines between the items.
theLv.MultiSelect=false --Allow for multiple selections.
theLv.foreColor = netDrColor black
--Add columns.
fn addColumns theLv columnsAr sizeArr = (for i=1 to columnsAr.count do theLv.columns.add columnsAr[i] sizeArr[i])
--Adds rows of data to the listView
fn populateList theLv=
rows=#() --Empty array to collect rows of data
for i in user_data do --Loop through all the objects in the scene.
local li=dotNetObject "ListViewItem" "" --Create a listViewItem object and name it.
li.UseItemStyleForSubItems = false
li.backColor = netDrColor i.clr
li.subitems.add i.hex --Add data to the second column.
li.subitems.add i.hint --Add data to the third column.
append rows li --Added the listViewItem to the rows array
theLv.items.addRange rows --Add the array of rows to the listView control.
fn colorize str clr font:"Arial" size:10 style:"regular" search:1=
if classOf clr != Color do return false
text_box.SelectionStart = 0
local search_type = case search of
1: (dotnetClass "RichTextBoxFinds").WholeWord
2: (dotnetClass "RichTextBoxFinds").MatchCase
3: (dotnetClass "RichTextBoxFinds").NoHighlight
4: (dotnetClass "RichTextBoxFinds").Reverse
5: (dotnetClass "RichTextBoxFinds").None
while (text_box.find str text_box.SelectionStart search_type) != -1 and not keyboard.escPressed do
text_box.SelectionFont = netDrFont font:font size:size style:style
text_box.SelectionColor = netDrColor clr
fn higlightLine num clr:green =
local first = text_box.GetFirstCharIndexFromLine num
local last = text_box.GetFirstCharIndexFromLine (num + 1)
If last == -1 do last = text_box.TextLength
text_box.Select first (last - first)
text_box.SelectionBackColor = netDrColor clr
fn colorizeLineComments=
text_box.SelectionStart = 0
local start_pos=0
struct STRING_DATA (txt, line, pos)
local sd = #()
local fs = undefined
for i=1 to text_box.lines.count where (fs=findString text_box.lines[i] "--") !=undefined do sd += #(STRING_DATA text_box.lines[i] i fs)
local search_type = (dotnetClass "RichTextBoxFinds").None
for i in sd do
--format "start_pos:%
" start_pos
local commented_text=substring i .txt i.pos -1
text_box.Find commented_text start_pos search_type
text_box.SelectionColor = netDrColor user_data[3].clr
text_box.SelectionFont = netDrFont font:"Arial" size:10 style:"regular"
start_pos=(text_box.GetFirstCharIndexFromLine i.line)
fn colorizeBoxComments=
text_box.SelectionStart = 0
local start_pos=0
local search_type = (dotnetClass "RichTextBoxFinds").None
start_pos=text_box.Find "/*" start_pos search_type
if start_pos == -1 do return false
end_pos =text_box.Find "*/" start_pos search_type
if end_pos == -1 do return false
text_box.select start_pos end_pos
text_box.SelectionColor = netDrColor user_data[4].clr
fn colorizeStrings=
local start_pos=0
text_box.SelectionStart = 0
local search_type = (dotnetClass "RichTextBoxFinds").None
while start_pos != -1 do
start_pos=text_box.Find "\"" start_pos search_type
if start_pos == -1 do return false
end_pos =text_box.Find "\"" (start_pos+1) search_type
if end_pos == -1 do return false
local text_length = end_pos - (start_pos-1)
text_box.select start_pos text_length
text_box.SelectionColor = netDrColor user_data[18].clr
text_box.SelectionFont = netDrFont font:"Arial" size:10 style:"regular"
start_pos = start_pos+text_length
--text_box.HideSelection = false
fn colorizeKeyword k_array clr:1 size:10 style:"regular" comments:true=
for k in k_array do colorize k user_data[clr+1].clr size:size style:style
if comments do
fn inicializeColors =
text_box.BackColor = netDrColor user_data[1].clr
text_box.ForeColor = netDrColor user_data[2].clr
colorizeKeyword keywords_01 clr:15 size:10 style:"bold" comments:false
colorizeKeyword operators clr:22 size:10 style:"bold" comments:false
colorizeKeyword numbers clr:14 style:"bold"
colorizeKeyword keywords_03 clr:26 size:10 style:"bold"
colorizeKeyword keywords_04 clr:27 style:"bold"
colorizeKeyword #("#") clr:13 style:"bold"
colorizeKeyword #("#char", "#integer", "#name") clr:21 style:"bold"
colorizeKeyword #("line:","pos:") clr:23
colorizeKeyword keywords_02 clr:24
--colorize comments
higlightLine 8 clr:user_data[38].clr
fn findItem2 arr str caseSensitive:false=
str = toLower str
for i=1 to arr.count where (toLower arr[i]) == str do return i
return 0
fn colorizeSimpleText =
--text_box.ForeColor = netDrColor clr
--collect all keywords
local all_keywords =(keywords_01+keywords_02+keywords_03+keywords_04+keywords_05+
--get text_box text
--for i in all_keywords do print i
local box_text = filterString text_box.text " .,/\\!?:*-=(){}[]+\"#0123456789
--remove all keywords from text
for k in all_keywords do
local index = findItem2 box_text k
while index != 0 do
deleteItem box_text index
index = findItem2 box_text k
--colorize remain text
local next_pos=0
text_box.SelectionStart = 0
for i in box_text do
next_pos=text_box.Find i next_pos (dotnetClass "RichTextBoxFinds").WholeWord
text_box.SelectionColor = netDrColor user_data[2].clr
--colorize all comment lines -- and boxes /* */
fn inicializeColorsBySelection type:"user" =
local sel=selected_num+1
local clr=user_data[sel].clr
case user_data[sel].hint of
"background":(text_box.BackColor = netDrColor clr )
"foreground":(colorizeSimpleText() )
"comment line":(colorizeLineComments() )
"comment box":(colorizeBoxComments() )
"not used":( )
"brace hilight":( )
"brace incomplete":( )
"indentation guide fore":( )
"indentation guide back":( )
"line numbers fore":( )
"line numbers back":( )
"margin hilight":()
"whitespace":(colorizeKeyword #("#") clr:13 style:"bold")
"number":(colorizeKeyword numbers clr:14 style:"bold")
"keyword":(colorizeKeyword keywords_01 clr:15 size:10 style:"bold")
"reserved":( )
"string":(colorizeStrings();colorizeLineComments(); colorizeBoxComments())
"string verbatim":( )
" string open fore":( )
"string open back":( )
"char":(colorizeKeyword #("#char", "#integer", "#name") clr:21 style:"bold")
"operator":(colorizeKeyword operators clr:22 size:10 style:"bold")
"argument":(colorizeKeyword #("line:","pos:") clr:23 )
"preproc":(colorizeKeyword keywords_02 clr:24 )
"path name":( )
"function":(colorizeKeyword keywords_03 clr:26 size:10 style:"bold")
"class":(colorizeKeyword keywords_04 clr:27 style:"bold" )
"maxclass":( )
"superclass":( )
"coreinterface":( )
"objectset":( )
"struct":( )
"constant globals":( )
"globals":( )
"user":( )
"caret fore":( )
"caret line back":(higlightLine 8 clr:user_data[38].clr)
"selection fore":( )
"selection back":( )
fn sendColorInfo clr =
lv.items.item[selected_num].backColor = netDrColor clr
user_data[selected_num+1].clr = clr
local hex = rgbToHEX clr
user_data[selected_num+1].hex = hex
lv.items.item[selected_num].subItems.item[1].text = hex
fn setupInterfaceBySelectedItem =
local clr = user_data[selected_num+1].clr
spn_r.value = clr.r
spn_g.value = clr.g
spn_b.value = clr.b
spn_h.value = clr.h
spn_s.value = clr.s
spn_v.value = clr.v
cp_clr.color = clr
fn setupIntefaceByChangedValue type val =
local clr = cp_clr.color
case type of
#r:(clr.r = val)
spn_r.value = clr.r
spn_g.value = clr.g
spn_b.value = clr.b
spn_h.value = clr.h
spn_s.value = clr.s
spn_v.value = clr.v
cp_clr.color = clr
sendColorInfo clr
fn inicializeInterface =
user_data = collectFileData()
initLv lv
addColumns lv #("RGB","HEX","Name") #(32, 68, lv.width-(32+68)-22)
populateList lv
lv.Items.item[0].Selected = true
selected_num = 0
--setup tabs size
local int_arr = dotnetObject "System.Int32[]" 6
local tab_size = 0
for i=0 to 5 do int_arr.SetValue (tab_size+=20) i
text_box.SelectionTabs = int_arr
--mcSystem.show text_box
text_box.ShowSelectionMargin = true
--text_box.RightMargin = text_box.width
--text_box.Margin = dotnetObject "Padding" 0
text_box.ReadOnly = true
str_stream= stringStream edit_text
on lv mouseDown arg do
local hit=(lv.HitTest (dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Point" arg.x arg.y))
selected_num = hit.item.Index
print selected_num
on cp_clr changed clr do
sendColorInfo clr
on btn_gen pressed do
text_box.text = ""
for i in user_data do
local hex_pos = (findString i.line "#")
local line_array = filterstring i.line "# ,"
local hex_len = line_array[2].count+1
i.line = replace i.line hex_pos hex_len i.hex
text_box.text += i.line+"
on mcMaxScriptColorEditorDialog open do inicializeInterface()
on spn_r changed val do setupIntefaceByChangedValue #r val
on spn_g changed val do setupIntefaceByChangedValue #g val
on spn_b changed val do setupIntefaceByChangedValue #b val
on spn_h changed val do setupIntefaceByChangedValue #h val
on spn_s changed val do setupIntefaceByChangedValue #s val
on spn_v changed val do setupIntefaceByChangedValue #v val
CreateDialog mcMaxScriptColorEditorDialog