[Closed] MaxScript MATTE Global Override
Hello everyone
I’m relatively new to Max scripting so I have few problems to solve which I didn’t found on help or other forums.
I want my script to, when selecting geometry, filter only geometry when selecting by name (multiple objects – only Geometry – no helpers, cameras, shapes or so), the same thing with cameras. Also, to check those, I want them to print in the text box under the buttons and connect selected camera to render button.
Then, when my objects are selected and printed, on “Update” button, next to render button, I want to apply a Global MATTE material override to selected geometry (mental ray) on chosen radio button “Front” – when “Front” is chosen – it should apply MATTE to previously selected geometry MESH objects and when Back is selected to do vice versa, to apply on objects that are not selected and printed in the box – I don’t know how to do that so I’m asking someone to help and I would really appreciate it.
The script code is below. Thanks in advance.
Rollout TestMatte "Test MATTE" width: 220
button folder_button "..." tooltip:"Pick path for render" align:#left width:30 offset: [0,0] across:2 height:18
edittext file_path "" readonly:true align:#right height:18 width:165
button bnSelGeom "Select Geometry" tooltip:"" align:#right height:30 width:97 across:2
button bnSelCamera "Select Camera" tooltip:"" align:#left height:30 width:97
edittext nameMesh "" readonly:true align:#left height:50 width:97 across:2
edittext nameCamera "" readonly:true align:#right height:50 width:97
label rend_option "Render:" align:#left across:2
radiobuttons rad_pozeks "" labels:#("Front","Back") default:0 align:#left offsets:#([-50,0],[-40,0])
button bnUpdate "Update" align:#left across:2 width: 97 height:30
button bnRender "Render" align:#right width:97 height:30
on bnSelGeom pressed do
fn selmesh obj =
return superclassof obj == geometryClass
chosenMesh = selectByName title:"Pick" \
buttontext:"Pick" filter:selmesh showHidden:true
--nameMesh.text = chosenMesh.name <<<this should be multiple mesh objects printed on editbox under select Geometry button
on bnSelCamera pressed do
fn selCamera obj =
return superclassof obj == camera
global chosenCamera = selectByName title:"Pick" \
buttontext:"Odaberi" count:#multiple filter:selCamera showHidden:true
--nameCamera.text = chosenCamera.name <<<this should be camera name printed on editbox under select camera button
on folder_button pressed do
global folderPath = getSavePath() + "\\"
file_path.text = folderPath
local frontCamera = chosenCamera --<<<this should be selected camera for render
local locationFolder = folderPath as string
fn callRenderFront theID =
newName1 = locationFolder + "test1" + ".png"
global render1 = render camera:frontCamera vfb:false \
outputwidth:256 outputheight: 256
render1.filename = newName1
save render1
fn callRenderBack theID =
newName2 = locationFolder + "test1" + "-" + "test2" + ".png"
global render2 = render camera:frontCamera vfb:false \
outputwidth:256 outputheight: 256
render2.filename = newName2
save render2
on bnRender pressed do
renderRadio = case rad_pozeks.state of
1: (callRenderFront "Render")
2: (callRenderBack "Render")
createdialog TestMatte
Do you have any suggestion how we can test your script?
May I give you some advice? Prepare scene for test. Describe all steps how to reproduce an issue. Tell us about expected result.
If you do this, your changes to get a response will be much higher.
Probably not exactly what you want, as the description is a little confusing, but hopefully you can get some useful thing out of it.
try destroydialog ::TestMatte catch()
Rollout TestMatte "Test MATTE" width: 220
button bt_selectFolder "..." tooltip:"Pick path for render" align:#left width:30 offset: [0,0] across:2 height:18
edittext tx_folder "" readonly:true align:#right height:18 width:165
button bt_SelectGeometry "Select Geometry" align:#right height:30 width:97 across:2
button bt_SelectCamera "Select Camera" align:#left height:30 width:97
listbox list_geometry "" align:#left height:10 width:97 across:2 readOnly:true enabled:false
listbox list_cameras "" align:#right height:10 width:97
label rend_option "Render:" align:#left across:2
radiobuttons rad_options "" labels:#("Front","Back") align:#left offsets:#([-50,0],[-40,0])
button bt_update "Update" align:#left across:2 width: 97 height:30
button bt_render "Render" align:#right width:97 height:30
local matteMaterial
local theObjects = #()
local theCameras = #()
local outputFolder = undefined
on TestMatte open do
/* Create your own matte material */
matteMaterial = standard diffuse:green selfIllumAmount:100
fn FilterGeometry obj = isKindOf obj geometryClass and not isKindOf obj Targetobject
fn FilterCameras obj = isKindOf obj camera
on bt_SelectGeometry pressed do
sel = selectByName title:"Pick" filter:FilterGeometry showHidden:true
if sel != undefined then
theObjects = sel
list_geometry.items = for j in theObjects collect j.name
list_geometry.items = #()
theObjects = #()
on bt_SelectCamera pressed do
sel = selectByName title:"Pick" filter:FilterCameras showHidden:true
if sel != undefined then
theCameras = sel
list_cameras.items = for j in theCameras collect j.name
list_cameras.items = #()
theCameras = #()
on bt_selectFolder pressed do
outputFolder = getSavePath()
if outputFolder != undefined then tx_folder.text = outputFolder else tx_folder.text = ""
on bt_render pressed do
if outputFolder == undefined do return messagebox "No Output Folder Selected"
if theObjects.count == 0 do return messagebox "No Geometry Selected"
if theCameras.count == 0 do return messagebox "No Camera Selected"
/* Get the Camera from the ListBox Selection */
cam = theCameras[list_cameras.selection]
case rad_options.state of
matteObjects = theObjects
filename = outputFolder + "\\" + cam.name + "_FrontRender.png"
matteObjects = for j in geometry where finditem theObjects j == 0 collect j
filename = outputFolder + "\\" + cam.name + "_BackRender.png"
/* Save the Objects Material */
oldMaterials = for j in matteObjects collect #(j, j.material)
/* Repalce the materials with the Matte material */
matteObjects.material = matteMaterial
/* Render the Images */
render camera:cam vfb:false outputwidth:256 outputheight:256 outputfile:filename
/* Restore the Materials */
for j in oldMaterials do j[1].material = j[2]
messagebox ("Image Rendered to:
" + filename)
createdialog TestMatte
Jorge Rodríguez – Thank you, thank you and thank you! That was exactly what I wanted! All I need is to change standard green material in this case to MentalRay (Matte/shadow/reflection) with unchecked recieve shadows, use AO and receive reflections but I’ll figure it out Thank you for your time and help, I really appreciate it.