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[Closed] MaxScript : Lightwave Smoothwires – please help


What’s up with this german stuff. Ik ga toch ook niet in één keer nederlands praten

But indeed there’s noway this plugin/script will be fast, but still it would be nice for visualisation/screengrabs… So I will try to continue this scripted plugin

Ahwel gute nachte! ofzo…

Cheers Johan

Wow this is really sweet guys. Been awhile since I’ve been back to the max forum. I usually surf the WIP and general forums but this is a god send if you can get this up and running. I’m going to have to test this out but I originally started out using lightwave 5.0 through 6.6 and I have to tell you smoothwire helped alot.

I plan to definitly watch this thread closely.

@JHN: Zum Glück ist holländisch relativ nah am deutschen, so dass ich einigermaßen verstehe was du mir sagen willst

achso guten Morgen

@Proteus: Ich werde da sein, als TTT Veteran kann ich doch nicht fehlen

@all stupid lowpoly stuff, i have currently no need of this script


@all stupid lowpoly stuff, i have currently no need of this script


Well, that’s fine, but the attitude about it isn’t! Just disregard the thread; you don’t have to take it so seriously

here are some people working on a free script to aid nurms modelling, which is in my opinion far away from “stupid lowpoly stuff”. if you don´t need it, just don´t use it. but there is no need to be impolite.

Hi all, i write litle script
for simulate LightWave Smooth on 3dsMax
him dont create any spline or something else
just hide any edge…
i think it’s don’t slow your viewport, and work
also fast(or slow) as standard meshsmooth.
tnx, check it =)))

=== here begin script ===

— LightWave Smooth Style For 3ds Max5 by 2LoOp <> –
— Version 0.7 Alpha –

— Put this script to the 3dsmax5\UI\Macroscripts folder or just —
— drag into max viewport, restart max and go to Customize UI —
— menu, under category lptools you can find LWSmooth —

macroScript LWSmooth

rollout LWStyle “LWStyleSmooth” width:152 height:88
groupBox grp1 “LW-Style Smooth Control” pos:[7,13] width:138 height:59
button btn3 “On” pos:[27,29] width:48 height:15
button btn4 “Off” pos:[75,29] width:48 height:15
spinner spn4 “Interatinos:” pos:[37,50] width:86 height:16 range:[0,5,3]type:#integer scale:1
on btn4 pressed do
deleteModifier $ 1
deleteModifier $ 1
max select none
$.surfSubdivide = off

on btn3 pressed  do

subobjectLevel = 2
max select all
$.iterations = spn4.value
$.surfSubdivide = on
modPanel.addModToSelection (Turn_to_Mesh ()) ui:on
$Box02.modifiers[#Turn_to_Mesh].selectionConversion = 2
modPanel.addModToSelection (Edit_Mesh ()) ui:on
subobjectLevel = 2 “Editable Mesh Object” “EMesh_EInVisible”
max select none
createDialog lwstyle width:152 height:88

=== End Script ===

i guess…
…you understood me wrong

i’m working in a game company, and i have nothing to do highpoly right now, so i currently have no need of this script, but as i promised i’ll test it asap

as i said before i like the idea of that script how could i change my mind by 180 degrees?!


so keep up the good work

Sorry Neox, I totally thought that you meant low poly modelling was stupid and that’s why you had no need.

2loop, nice to join, what people are talking about though is a modifier or script to hide all of the edges produced by the NURMS process other than those that are directly descended from the original mesh, if possible automatically

no problem maybe its just my f****** english

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