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[Closed] MaxScript : Lightwave Smoothwires – please help

Sorry, not a scripter myself. Though it does look fairly easy, given the other script development I’ve seen.


Originally posted by posm
Sorry, not a scripter myself. Though it does look fairly easy, given the other script development I’ve seen.

I also posted this on the discreetforum
I’m not exactly a maxscript crack here, still learning, but I looked into scripted plugins and I think it is not possible with a scripted plugin, because. If I understand this right, there’s noway to edit your mesh with a scripted plugin, plz correct me if I’m wrong, or can you extent edit_mesh?

An other option is to “reinitialize” the editMesh plugin (cause this one doesn’t update the selection and visibilty) every time a cut is made or edge is chamfert. I really think this is gonna be slow though.

Maybe with an event handler set the selection of the edit mesh and the visibilty of the edgeselection. I think that this would make a nice adition to the meshsmooth mod and EPoly object, it shouldn’t be that hard to make the edges of a smoothing level dissapear, right?

check the maxscripts section

After writing this, I realize that there is a halfway solution… I have written a script that simply creates a meshsmooth mod. on top of the stack, and renames this. (I called it “Meshsmooth toggle” :surprised ) it would be easy to do the same trick and have it to toggle, still not auto updates, but more interactive…
I’ll look in to this, if there is any interrest…

hi jhj

for sure i am interested in your solution.

lol, I’ve got no scripting skills whatso ever – I mean I couldn’t even get that script to work. However, I was thinking possibly you could make the mesh derive its shape from splines – sorta like surface tools, except with more interactivity. I don’t think its possible through scripts but i dunno, the mesh could be bound to the splines set to bezier or whatnot.

just tossing some ideas

lol, I just woke up so excuse any mistakes or vagueness


Ok, already some progress, we don’t need the Turn to poly mod. Cause we can select all edges before adding the Emesh mod, simply invert edge slection in Emesh, done!

I’ll keep you updated…

Cheers JHN

hi jhn

i really appreciate your support. it seems that nobody of the other scripters here and on the discreet board are interested in helping me.

proteus2002 –
I’ve been occasionally checking in here to see if you’ve made any progress, but I’m reluctant to chip in because I don’t have time to take on any new projects right now. If my time becomes a little more free I’d be interested in seeing if there’s any way I could help the development of your script. Just off the top of my head, though, I can’t think of any way to get auto-updates when the cage is edited without really slowing down the interactivity. There may be a way, but I’d have to spend some R&D time on it – time I don’t have at the moment.

Best of luck, though, as you continue the project!



LFshade – Any pointers would be great…

Well, I’m currently trying to extend the Emesh mod with a plugin script, I thought this wasn’t possible, but I got Emesh extendend in a simple test, so now I’m trying to figure out how to acces the edges and update the mod on stack changes, so maybe no script but a mod, even better I think. If anyone has some exerience with plugin scripts, plz join in.

I do second that this will NOT increase interactivity, cause Emesh is a big memory hog :argh: and this functionality should be included in the meshsmooth plugin and Epoly object.

Cheers JHN


Hey, I did this really quick to help, I had to hurry thoug because I have to leave somewhere for the day.

You just have to press the popup dialogue’s box on/off to switch between seeing smooth polylines or not.

It doesn’t do a spline cage of the mesh (didn’t have time for that), but it does make only the original edges of the poly visible. And when you check the button of the script again, it will remove the editmesh modifier and return everything they way it was before, except you will loose any edge subobject selections you had prior to using the script.

I’ll copy and past the code below. Either run it in a new Maxscript editor window, or highlight the whole text and mouse drag it onto an open spot of a toolbar, and it will become a macroscript that you just have to click on to activate the script (this second way is better to me)

Make sure you are using NURMS activated from within the editable_poly object to see the results.

Here’s the code:

rollout quickOutliner “Make Polylines”

checkbutton dotracker “SmoothPolyLines”

on dotracker changed arg1 do (
   try (
	if arg1 then (

			polyOp.setEdgeSelection $ #All;update $
			modPanel.addModToSelection (Edit_Mesh ()) ui:on
			subobjectLevel = 2
			max select invert
			meshOps.invisibleEdge $.modifiers[1]
			subobjectLevel = 0
			modPanel.setCurrentObject $.baseObject
			subobjectLevel = 0
			$.showCage = off
				deleteModifier $ 1
				$.showCage = on
			$.showCage = on
			messageBox "Select an object that is at it's

base level an Editable Poly”



pDialogue=newRolloutFloater “Smooth Polylines Thing” 150 75
addRollout quickOutliner pDialogue


Cool, exactly like I had in mind…
Now for some auto update functionality… still working on a scripted mod though!..

We’ll see…

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