[Closed] MaxScript : FloatingTabs – I don't get it
I´m very new at scripting and I don´t get this.
I done a script in visualMaxScript and I tryed to use it in max but I cant get it to work.
I have made it in to a MCR and drag it to the tollbars but when I hit the button nothing happens.
I´m trying to make a floter appear with my scripts on different buttons.
It looks like this, does anyone know why it doesn´t work?
macroScript LjudRutan
rollout FaceExpressin “PilExpression” width:218 height:339
button ALjud “Aljud” pos:[12,8] width:196 height:51
button btn2 “Button” pos:[13,67] width:195 height:61
on ALjud pressed do
if $LjudA.visibility == false then $LjudA.visibility = true else $LjudA.visibility = false
on btn2 pressed do
if $LjudBMP.visibility == false then $LjudBMP.visibility = true else $LjudBMP.visibility = false
MVH Andreas
You forget to add the rollout
try something like this, it should works:
macroScript LjudRutan
rollout FaceExpressin “PilExpression”
button ALjud “Aljud” pos:[12,8] width:196 height:51
button btn2 “Button” pos:[13,67] width:195 height:61
on ALjud pressed do
if $LjudA.visibility == false then $LjudA.visibility = true else $LjudA.visibility = false
on btn2 pressed do
if $LjudBMP.visibility == false then $LjudBMP.visibility = true else $LjudBMP.visibility = false
FE = newRolloutFloater “Face-Expression” 218 339
AddRollout FaceExpressin FE
Hi thank you very much.
It works! :bounce:
I´m so grateful someone knows scripting.
MVH Andreas