[Closed] MaxScript + BuckBurner = unknown error
I’m developing a script change some settings in my scene and then sending it to the NetManager, but after sending 4 jobs Max complains with: “ERROR: unknown Error” and I can’t send another job until I restart Max.
Here is some code so you can see it for yourself.
file = “D:\Temp\NET_RENDER_TEST”
setrendertype #view
m = netrender.getmanager()
if not m.connected then
try m.connect #automatic “”
catch messagebox “Error: Manager not found”
if m.connected then
for i=1 to 15 do
if job!=undefined then
job.frameOutputName = (file + sysinfo.username + “-” + (i as string) + “.jpg”)
job.name = (getfilenamefile file) + sysinfo.username + “-” + (i as string)
job.suspended = true
s = job.submit()
if s == false then
messagebox (“Could send only ” + ((i-1) as String) + ” jobs.” )
)– end for loop
)– end if m.connected
m = undefined
This is a test script I use on diferent machines to determine how many jobs I’m able to send. It sends the current scene to the netManager until it generates the unknown error. On some machines I can send more than 4 jobs, but there was none on which the limit of 15 that I put in the for loop
Why is there this limitation?
Is there a way arround it?
Thanks for trying to help me
At least now I know that the problem is not in my code, since it works fine on other machines.
I guess the problem lays on the OS’ network configuration. When we changed server’s OS to Windows 2003 Server we could send up to 10 jobs, but later we were limited to 4 again.:sad:
Oh, I forgot before, all machines run Max 8 SP3, some over XP others over XP64, and BackBurner 3.0.
I’ll keep trying to solve this, and post as soon as I’ve solved the problem (or at leas any clue that might help).