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[Closed] Manipulators Gismo Pos

to be 100% correct you have to compensate not reset XForm…

Wow! I didnt expect so many answers

well I made some quick tests with these nice modifications.
In most situations works good, but sometimes neds to reset x-form in zero rotation

and after turn it back.

I will test it again to morow .... I cant decide which method will be better heh

all of them is good!

thanks a lot guys :wavey:

my method doesn’t need reset xform

if you want to create a point helper in right place using my code you have to change

undo "Pivot Plant" on in coordsys node.objecttransform point pos:gpos[which+1] 

i didn’t touch this piece of code…

right Denis! please can you try this ?

here… in the the last line in code
is final peace which is supposed to move node pivot to gismo center
if mesh is not rotated ,is working.

 --store and refresh Manipulators 
 local old_sel = selection as array
 manipulateMode = off  
 manipulateMode = on
 select old_sel
 plugin simpleManipulator mc2ManipHandleTest
  local g = [0, 1, 0], r = [1, 0, 0]
  local gpos = #(), local_bbox, bbox_size
  on canManipulate target return (classOf target == Editable_Poly)
  on updateGizmos do
   -- Clear the current gizmo cache
   -- manipulator's transform in nodes's LOCAL coord system 
   local local_bbox = nodeLocalBoundingBox node
   -- compensate not reset xform
   tm = node.objecttransform
   bmin = local_bbox[1]*(inverse tm) 
   bmax = local_bbox[2]*(inverse tm)
   local bbox_size = local_bbox[2] - local_bbox[1] -- w l h
   local center = (bmin + bmax)/2
   local p0 = center --center
   local p1 = [center.x,center.y,bmin.z] --bottom
   local p2 = [center.x,center.y,bmax.z] --top
   gpos = #(p0,p1,p2)
   --create gismos
   this.addGizmoMarker #diamond p0 0 g r
   this.addGizmoMarker #HollowBox p1 0 g r
   this.addGizmoMarker #HollowBox p2 0 g r
   return "point"
  on mouseUp m which do -- m --> Point2 screen pixel coordinates, which --> gismo number 
   format "m:%	which:%	local_pp:%
" m which gpos[which+1]
   undo "Pivot Plant" on in coordsys node.transform 
	  -- point pos:gpos[which+1]
	   [b]node.pivot = gpos[which+1][/b]

it has to be:

  undo "Pivot Plant" on 
   --in coordsys node.objecttransform point pos:gpos[which+1]
   node.pivot = gpos[which+1]*node.objecttransform

Denis? … yea! ,we did it (looks like a magic cube is not?

here is full version with all parts :

   --Pivot Planter for Editable Poly
   	local sel = selection as array
   	if sel.count == 1 do 
   		--refresh Manipulators 
   		manipulateMode = off  
   		manipulateMode = on
   		select sel
   		sel[1].xray = true
   		plugin simpleManipulator mc2PivotPlanter
   		name:"Pivot Planter"
   			local g = [0, 1, 0], r = [1, 0, 0], y = [1, 1, 0], b = [0, 0, 1]
   			local gpos = #()
   			on canManipulate target return (classOf target == Editable_Poly)
   			on updateGizmos do
   				-- Clear the current gizmo cache
   				-- manipulator's transform in nodes's LOCAL coord system 
   				local local_bbox = nodeLocalBoundingBox node
   				-- compensate not reset xform
   				local tm = node.objecttransform
   				local bmin = local_bbox[1]*(inverse tm) 
   				local bmax = local_bbox[2]*(inverse tm)
   				local bbox_size = local_bbox[2] - local_bbox[1] -- w l h
   				local center = (bmin + bmax)/2
   				local p0 = center --center
   				local p1 = [center.x,center.y,bmin.z] --bottom
   				local p2 = [center.x,center.y,bmax.z] --top
   				local p3 = [bmin.x,center.y,center.z] --front
   				local p4 = [bmax.x,center.y,center.z] --back
   				local p5 = [center.x,bmin.x,center.z] --left
   				local p6 = [center.x,bmax.x,center.z] --right
   				local p7  = bmin --LFD min
   				local p8  = [bmin.x, bmin.y, bmax.z] --LFU
   				local p9  = [bmin.x, bmax.y, bmax.z] --LBU
   				local p10 = [bmin.x, bmax.y, bmin.z] --LBD
   				local p11 = [bmax.x, bmax.y, bmin.z] --RBD
   				local p12 = bmax --RBU max
   				local p13 = [bmax.x, bmin.y, bmax.z] --RFU
   				local p14 = [bmax.x, bmin.y, bmin.z] --RFD
   				local p15 = [bmin.x, bmin.y, center.z] --LFM
   				local p16 = [bmin.x, center.y, bmax.z] --LUM
   				local p17 = [bmin.x, bmax.y, center.z] --LBM
   				local p18 = [bmin.x, center.y, bmin.z] --LDM
   				local p19 = [bmax.x, center.y, bmin.z] --RDM
   				local p20 = [bmax.x, bmax.y, center.z] --RBM
   				local p21 = [bmax.x, center.y, bmax.z] --RUM
   				local p22 = [bmax.x, bmin.y, center.z] --RFM
   				local p23 = [center.x, bmin.y, bmax.z] --FM
   				local p24 = [center.x, bmax.y, bmax.z] --UM
   				local p25 = [center.x, bmax.y, bmin.z] --BM
   				local p26 = [center.x, bmin.y, bmin.z] --DM
   				--collect positions for later use
   				gpos = #(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p8,p9,p10,p11,p12,p13,
   				--create gismos in cros
   				this.addGizmoMarker #asterisk p0 0 y r --#diamond p0 0 g r
   				this.addGizmoMarker #circle p1 0 g r
   				this.addGizmoMarker #circle p2 0 g r
   				this.addGizmoMarker #circle p3 0 g r
   				this.addGizmoMarker #circle p4 0 g r
   				this.addGizmoMarker #circle p5 0 g r
   				this.addGizmoMarker #circle p6 0 g r  
   				--create gismos in corners
   				this.addGizmoMarker #asterisk p7  0 y r
   				this.addGizmoMarker #asterisk p8  0 y r
   				this.addGizmoMarker #asterisk p9  0 y r
   				this.addGizmoMarker #asterisk p10 0 y r
   				this.addGizmoMarker #asterisk p11 0 y r
   				this.addGizmoMarker #asterisk p12 0 y r
   				this.addGizmoMarker #asterisk p13 0 y r
   				this.addGizmoMarker #asterisk p14 0 y r
   				--create gismos in middle
   				this.addGizmoMarker #smallHollowBox p15  0 y r
   				this.addGizmoMarker #smallHollowBox p16  0 y r
   				this.addGizmoMarker #smallHollowBox p17  0 y r
   				this.addGizmoMarker #smallHollowBox p18 0 y r
   				this.addGizmoMarker #smallHollowBox p19 0 y r
   				this.addGizmoMarker #smallHollowBox p20 0 y r
   				this.addGizmoMarker #smallHollowBox p21 0 y r
   				this.addGizmoMarker #smallHollowBox p22 0 y r
   				this.addGizmoMarker #smallHollowBox p23 0 y r
   				this.addGizmoMarker #smallHollowBox p24 0 y r
   				this.addGizmoMarker #smallHollowBox p25 0 y r
   				this.addGizmoMarker #smallHollowBox p26 0 y r
   				return "Plant Pivot Here"
   			on mouseUp m which do -- m --> Point2 screen pixel coordinates, which --> gismo number 
   				--format "m:%	which:%	local_pp:%
" m which gpos[which+1]
   				undo "Pivot Plant" on node.pivot = gpos[which+1]*node.objecttransform
   --many thanks to Enrico, DenisT and Bobo

Thanks to All again

it can manipulate any valid node excluding itself

Just tried it, nice script! Glad to have been of help, but Denis did the big step

  • Enrico
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