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[Closed] Manipulators Gismo Pos
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Oct 25, 2009 12:41 pm
Wow! I didnt expect so many answers
well I made some quick tests with these nice modifications.
In most situations works good, but sometimes neds to reset x-form in zero rotation
and after turn it back.
I will test it again to morow .... I cant decide which method will be better heh
all of them is good!
thanks a lot guys :wavey:
Oct 25, 2009 12:41 pm
if you want to create a point helper in right place using my code you have to change
undo "Pivot Plant" on in coordsys node.objecttransform point pos:gpos[which+1]
i didn’t touch this piece of code…
Oct 25, 2009 12:41 pm
right Denis! please can you try this ?
here… in the the last line in code
is final peace which is supposed to move node pivot to gismo center
if mesh is not rotated ,is working.
--store and refresh Manipulators
local old_sel = selection as array
manipulateMode = off
manipulateMode = on
select old_sel
plugin simpleManipulator mc2ManipHandleTest
local g = [0, 1, 0], r = [1, 0, 0]
local gpos = #(), local_bbox, bbox_size
on canManipulate target return (classOf target == Editable_Poly)
on updateGizmos do
-- Clear the current gizmo cache
-- manipulator's transform in nodes's LOCAL coord system
local local_bbox = nodeLocalBoundingBox node
-- compensate not reset xform
tm = node.objecttransform
bmin = local_bbox[1]*(inverse tm)
bmax = local_bbox[2]*(inverse tm)
local bbox_size = local_bbox[2] - local_bbox[1] -- w l h
local center = (bmin + bmax)/2
local p0 = center --center
local p1 = [center.x,center.y,bmin.z] --bottom
local p2 = [center.x,center.y,bmax.z] --top
gpos = #(p0,p1,p2)
--create gismos
this.addGizmoMarker #diamond p0 0 g r
this.addGizmoMarker #HollowBox p1 0 g r
this.addGizmoMarker #HollowBox p2 0 g r
return "point"
on mouseUp m which do -- m --> Point2 screen pixel coordinates, which --> gismo number
format "m:% which:% local_pp:%
" m which gpos[which+1]
undo "Pivot Plant" on in coordsys node.transform
-- point pos:gpos[which+1]
[b]node.pivot = gpos[which+1][/b]
Oct 25, 2009 12:41 pm
it has to be:
undo "Pivot Plant" on
--in coordsys node.objecttransform point pos:gpos[which+1]
node.pivot = gpos[which+1]*node.objecttransform
Oct 25, 2009 12:41 pm
Denis? … yea! ,we did it (looks like a magic cube is not?
here is full version with all parts :
--Pivot Planter for Editable Poly
local sel = selection as array
if sel.count == 1 do
--refresh Manipulators
manipulateMode = off
manipulateMode = on
select sel
sel[1].xray = true
plugin simpleManipulator mc2PivotPlanter
name:"Pivot Planter"
local g = [0, 1, 0], r = [1, 0, 0], y = [1, 1, 0], b = [0, 0, 1]
local gpos = #()
on canManipulate target return (classOf target == Editable_Poly)
on updateGizmos do
-- Clear the current gizmo cache
-- manipulator's transform in nodes's LOCAL coord system
local local_bbox = nodeLocalBoundingBox node
-- compensate not reset xform
local tm = node.objecttransform
local bmin = local_bbox[1]*(inverse tm)
local bmax = local_bbox[2]*(inverse tm)
local bbox_size = local_bbox[2] - local_bbox[1] -- w l h
local center = (bmin + bmax)/2
local p0 = center --center
local p1 = [center.x,center.y,bmin.z] --bottom
local p2 = [center.x,center.y,bmax.z] --top
local p3 = [bmin.x,center.y,center.z] --front
local p4 = [bmax.x,center.y,center.z] --back
local p5 = [center.x,bmin.x,center.z] --left
local p6 = [center.x,bmax.x,center.z] --right
local p7 = bmin --LFD min
local p8 = [bmin.x, bmin.y, bmax.z] --LFU
local p9 = [bmin.x, bmax.y, bmax.z] --LBU
local p10 = [bmin.x, bmax.y, bmin.z] --LBD
local p11 = [bmax.x, bmax.y, bmin.z] --RBD
local p12 = bmax --RBU max
local p13 = [bmax.x, bmin.y, bmax.z] --RFU
local p14 = [bmax.x, bmin.y, bmin.z] --RFD
local p15 = [bmin.x, bmin.y, center.z] --LFM
local p16 = [bmin.x, center.y, bmax.z] --LUM
local p17 = [bmin.x, bmax.y, center.z] --LBM
local p18 = [bmin.x, center.y, bmin.z] --LDM
local p19 = [bmax.x, center.y, bmin.z] --RDM
local p20 = [bmax.x, bmax.y, center.z] --RBM
local p21 = [bmax.x, center.y, bmax.z] --RUM
local p22 = [bmax.x, bmin.y, center.z] --RFM
local p23 = [center.x, bmin.y, bmax.z] --FM
local p24 = [center.x, bmax.y, bmax.z] --UM
local p25 = [center.x, bmax.y, bmin.z] --BM
local p26 = [center.x, bmin.y, bmin.z] --DM
--collect positions for later use
gpos = #(p0,p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p8,p9,p10,p11,p12,p13,
--create gismos in cros
this.addGizmoMarker #asterisk p0 0 y r --#diamond p0 0 g r
this.addGizmoMarker #circle p1 0 g r
this.addGizmoMarker #circle p2 0 g r
this.addGizmoMarker #circle p3 0 g r
this.addGizmoMarker #circle p4 0 g r
this.addGizmoMarker #circle p5 0 g r
this.addGizmoMarker #circle p6 0 g r
--create gismos in corners
this.addGizmoMarker #asterisk p7 0 y r
this.addGizmoMarker #asterisk p8 0 y r
this.addGizmoMarker #asterisk p9 0 y r
this.addGizmoMarker #asterisk p10 0 y r
this.addGizmoMarker #asterisk p11 0 y r
this.addGizmoMarker #asterisk p12 0 y r
this.addGizmoMarker #asterisk p13 0 y r
this.addGizmoMarker #asterisk p14 0 y r
--create gismos in middle
this.addGizmoMarker #smallHollowBox p15 0 y r
this.addGizmoMarker #smallHollowBox p16 0 y r
this.addGizmoMarker #smallHollowBox p17 0 y r
this.addGizmoMarker #smallHollowBox p18 0 y r
this.addGizmoMarker #smallHollowBox p19 0 y r
this.addGizmoMarker #smallHollowBox p20 0 y r
this.addGizmoMarker #smallHollowBox p21 0 y r
this.addGizmoMarker #smallHollowBox p22 0 y r
this.addGizmoMarker #smallHollowBox p23 0 y r
this.addGizmoMarker #smallHollowBox p24 0 y r
this.addGizmoMarker #smallHollowBox p25 0 y r
this.addGizmoMarker #smallHollowBox p26 0 y r
return "Plant Pivot Here"
on mouseUp m which do -- m --> Point2 screen pixel coordinates, which --> gismo number
--format "m:% which:% local_pp:%
" m which gpos[which+1]
undo "Pivot Plant" on node.pivot = gpos[which+1]*node.objecttransform
--many thanks to Enrico, DenisT and Bobo
Thanks to All again
Oct 25, 2009 12:41 pm
Just tried it, nice script! Glad to have been of help, but Denis did the big step
- Enrico
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