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[Closed] MakeControllersUnique doesn't always make the controller unique
Mar 26, 2008 10:37 pm
Just trying to confirm a bug. Make a sphere, place a bend modifier on it. Copy the sphere. Animate one of the spheres moving, and the bend amount. Now go into trackview and instance both the X position and the angle of the two objects. Now, define this function…
fn sLibGetAllControllersOnObj onwhat a =
if onwhat.numsubs != 0 then
for i = 1 to onwhat.numsubs do
if onwhat[i] != undefined then
if onwhat[i].numsubs != 0 then
for j = 1 to onwhat[i].numsubs do
if onwhat[i][j] != undefined then
append a onwhat[i][j]
sLibGetAllControllersOnObj onwhat[i] a
This collects all the controllers on an object. Now, run this…
obj = $Sphere01
a = #()
sLibGetAllControllersOnObj obj a
for i in a do
if (InstanceMgr.CanMakeControllersUnique obj i) == true then
print i
w = InstanceMgr.MakeControllersUnique obj i #individual
print w
This will find both instanced controllers, and w will print as “true” twice, which is what happens when it successfully uninstances a controller. However, if you look in max, the position is uninstanced while the angle remains instanced. Any idea why the script would print that it uninstanced the angle, but then it doesn’t?
- Neil