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[Closed] Make instanced modifiers unique?
Sep 10, 2015 10:10 pm
This is the code I use:
delete objects
t01 = teapot radius:10
ffdMod = (FFDBox ())
setDimensions ffdMod [2,2,5]
addModifier t01 ffdMod
teapotsArr = for i = 1 to 5 collect
t = instance t01
t.pos = [35 * i, 0, 0]
-- make modifiers unique
for o in teapotsArr do
for m in o.modifiers do
if (InstanceMgr.CanMakeModifiersUnique o m) then
InstanceMgr.MakeModifiersUnique o m #individual
print "Can't make unique"
The FFD modifers are not unique after the last loop. Am I using the InstanceMgr.CanMakeModifiersUnique and InstanceMgr.MakeModifiersUnique wrong or the problem is something else?
3 Replies
Sep 10, 2015 10:10 pm
in your example you can’t make modifiers unique because objects are instances. you have to make the objects unique first or create them as references before applying a modifier
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