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[Closed] Make NURBS interpolation linear

I created several animation controls that are editable splines.
some of these Editable splines convert to mesh data when I export to FBX.

so, I right click –> convert to NURBS , which do not export to FBX.
but the nurbs have a default curve approximation of 8 steps,
making all my angular shapes gooey and curvey.

now I have to manually hunt down each ctrl object curve
and set its curve approcimation interpolations teps to 1 to get my angular shapes back.

so, a script that does this would be nice.

I’d hoped it would be something as simple as NURBSobject.curveInterpolation=1
but alas, max script obfuscates this property.

How do I set a selected NURBS object ‘s curve interpolation to 1 with max script?