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[Closed] Macroscript to run other scripts with certain params?

I looked around a bit and couldn’t find much related to this. Maybe i’m blind. Anyway, I want to make a script that basically says:

  1. Run Neil B’s renamer script with these params
  2. Run this custom material replacer script file
  3. Add vertex weld modifier with these params
  4. Add UVW Map modifier with these params

Running the listener to see what commands are fired doesn’t seem to help either. Can anyone give me any pointers?

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pretty vague… Neil’s script relies on OBF called ‘nameManager’. Check the source file to see what parameters it takes and which of those get fed when you rename…whatever it is you’re tryingto rename.

even more vague… if it’s a script that does exactly what you need it to do just by running it, then use:

fileIn "c:\path	o\"
addModifier $ (Vertex_Weld threshold:0.5)

Adds a Vertex Weld modifier to the current selection, with a threshold value of 0.5

  1. Add UVW Map modifier with these params
addModifier $ (uvwmap channel:2 maptype:2)

Adds a UVW Map modifier to the current selection, setting UVs on channel 2, with spherical mapping.

To know what params you can change, try:

showProperties $.modifiers[1]

(presuming it is the top-most modifier on a single currently selected object).

I hope this helps somewhat

Thanks alot for that! You pretty much answered all my questions and it’s given me a direction to see what to do for Neil’s script.