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[Closed] MXS coding standards: fn vs function

why is following some standards in a coding important?

reusing, reviewing, and revisiting a code…

all my code since 2008 is written with the same standard. technique was changed, but anyway looking at any word (variable, function, structure, parameter, etc.) i know exactly its subject.

the maxscript in not case-sensitive… so recently i’m usually using all lower-case for my and built-in max functions. but those definitions are camelCase
what is a reason for that?
i usually remember… but do you really remember what is the native (original) naming for [B]skinops.getnumbervertices/B?
or for [B]skinops.getnumberofgizmos/B?
check the help: it’s skinOps.GetNumberVertices() and skinOps.getNumberOfGizmos()

so… if you want to keep right casing for every function… you are welcome by the max script help and the max sdk documentation

that lack of case sensitivity is most unsettling to me.
I’ve never seen a language that forgoives bad habits like MXS


I use fn, but started with using function and then moved on to fn because it is faster and I also use camel-case starting with lower case for structs, functions and variables.

One thing I like to do is to end my functions with Fn (doSomethingFn).

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