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[Closed] MXS Plugin doubt…controlling a parameter from another plugin

Hi all…

Yesterday I’ve been working on modifier and material plugins. I made everything successfully except for one thing. I have a spinner in my modifier plugin and a texturemap (Smoke) in the diffuse map of my material plugin. What i want is i want the spinner in the modifier plugin to control the size of Smoke in the diffuse map slot of my material plugin. Here is the code:

plugin Modifier TestMod
  name:"Test M0difier"
  	Parameters TestParams rollout:RollOne
  		DStrength type:#float default:1 ui:Strength
  		on DStrength set val do delegate.strength=val
  	rollout RollOne "Test Roll"
  		 spinner Strength "Strenght Value:" range:[0,1000,1] ---I want this to  modify the Size value (diffuseMap.size) in Smoke Texture Map in the  below plugin
  plugin Material TestMaterial
  name:"Test Material"
  	Parameters TestMatParams rollout:RollOneMat
  		DSize type:#float default:1 ui:Size
  		on DSize set val do delegate.diffuseMap.size=val
  	rollout RollOneMat "Test Roll"
  		spinner Size "Size Value:" range:[0,1000,1] visible:false
  	on create do
  		delegate.diffuseMap = Smoke()