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[Closed] MXS Game Of Life

Just another toy I’ve been playing with in my spare time.
Based on John Conway’s Game of Life, but I changed the rules a bit
and wanted to share with you guys my discovery:

             [[img] [/img]]( 
   (Click on the Image to save the ms file)

   --	Script: Game of Life
   --	Writer: Matan Halberstadt
   --	Date: Saturday 13:13, 14 June 2008.
   --	Version: 0.1
   --	Contact:
   try destroyDialog roGameOfLife catch ()
   rollout roGameOfLife "Game Of Life"
   -- Local Variable Declerations
   	local boardWidth = 50
   	local boardHeight = 30
   	local boxSize = 2
   	local startSpeed = 0
   	local boardMatrix
   	local nextBoardMatrix
   -- User Interface
   	bitmap bmBoard "" width:(boardWidth * (boxSize + 1) + 1) height:(boardHeight * (boxSize + 1) + 1)
   	slider slSpeed "Speed:" range:[0,1000,startSpeed] width:(boardWidth * (boxSize + 1))
   	slider slThresh "Threshold:" range:[1,1000,1] width:(boardWidth * (boxSize + 1))
   	spinner spGen "Generation:" range:[0,100000,0] enabled:false type:#integer fieldWidth:50 align:#center
   	spinner spPop "Population:" range:[0,100000,0] enabled:false type:#integer fieldWidth:50 align:#center
   	group "Neighbors:" (
   		spinner spMin "Min:" range:[0,7,1] type:#integer fieldWidth:30 align:#left
   		spinner spMax "Max:" range:[1,8,4] type:#integer fieldWidth:30 align:#right offset:[0,-20]
   	timer tmClock interval:startSpeed active:false
   	button bnPlay "Play" width:(boardWidth * (boxSize + 1))
   	button bnReset "Reset" width:(boardWidth * (boxSize + 1))
   -- Functions
   	fn initBoard =
   		boardMatrix = #()
   		for y = 1 to boardHeight do (
   			append boardMatrix #()
   			for x = 1 to boardWidth do (
   				local val = random 1 10
   				append boardMatrix[y] (if val == 1 then 1.0 else 0.0)
   	fn mainFunc x y = 
   		if mod x (boxSize + 1) == 0 then white / 3 else (
   			if mod y (boxSize + 1) == 0 then white / 3 else (
   				local val = boardMatrix[1 + y / (boxSize + 1)][1 + x / (boxSize + 1)]
   				if val <= slThresh.value then (
   					green * val / slThresh.value
   				) else (
   					if val <= slThresh.value * 2 then (
   						val = (val - slThresh.value) / (slThresh.value)
   						yellow * val + green * (1 - val)
   					) else (
   						if val <= slThresh.value * 3 then (
   							val = (val - slThresh.value * 2) / (slThresh.value)
   							red * val + yellow * (1 - val)
   						) else red
   	fn updateBoard =
   		local newBitmap = bitmap bmBoard.width bmBoard.height color:white
   		for y = 1 to bmBoard.height - 1 do (
   			local pixelArr = #()
   			for x = 1 to bmBoard.width - 1 do (
   				local pixelColor = mainFunc x y
   				append pixelArr pixelColor
   			) -- end x loop
   			setPixels newBitmap [1,y] pixelArr
   		) -- end y loop
   		bmBoard.bitmap = newBitmap
   	) -- end updateBoard fn
 	fn getNeighborsCnt x y = 
 		local neighborsCnt = 0
 		for b = (mod (boardHeight + y - 2) boardHeight) to (mod (boardHeight + y) boardHeight) do (
 			for a = (mod (boardWidth + x - 2) boardWidth) to (mod (boardWidth + x) boardWidth) do (
 				if not (a + 1 == x and b + 1 == y) then (
 					if boardMatrix[b + 1][a + 1] > 0 then neighborsCnt += 1
   	fn nextStep = 
   		nextBoardMatrix = #()
   		local pop = 0
   		for y = 1 to boardHeight do (
   			append nextBoardMatrix #()
   			for x = 1 to boardWidth do (
   				if boardMatrix[y][x] > 0 then pop += 1
   				append nextBoardMatrix[y] boardMatrix[y][x]
   				local neighbors = getNeighborsCnt x y
   				if neighbors > spMin.value and neighbors < spMax.value and not random 1 10 == 1 then (
   					nextBoardMatrix[y][x] += 1
   				) else (
   					nextBoardMatrix[y][x] -= 2
   					if nextBoardMatrix[y][x] < 0 then nextBoardMatrix[y][x] = 0
   		boardMatrix = nextBoardMatrix
   		spGen.value += 1
   		spPop.value = pop
   	fn setSpeed val =
   		tmClock.interval = val
   	fn play =
   		if then (
   			bnPlay.caption = "Play" = false
   		) else (
   			bnPlay.caption = "Pause" = true
   	fn openDialog =
   		createDialog roGameOfLife width:(boardWidth * (boxSize + 1) + 10)
   	fn init =
   	( = false
   		spGen.value = 0
   		spPop.value = 0
   		bnPlay.caption = "Play"
   	fn done =
   		-- cleanup code
   		gc light:true
   -- Event Handlers
   	on tmClock tick do nextStep()
   	on slSpeed changed val do setSpeed val
   	on bnPlay pressed do play()
   	on bnReset pressed do init()
   	on roGameOfLife open do init()
   	on roGameOfLife close do done()
   ) -- end of rollout
4 Replies

that is really cool, I just read all about it on wikipedia.

Very interesting… can we get the two player version? y’s_Game_of_Life


so cool ,but read the code is hard for me , I am a beginner