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[Closed] MXS Editor . Evaluation Inconsistency

CTRL+E vs SHIFT+ENTER is giving different results:

Next creates plane
selects some edges
and removes them

expected result: remove edges, but preserve verts

ctrl+e == verts removed [X]
shift+enter == verts preserved

What is it I can’t notice? anybody has any idea?

	TRY delete $mxseval CATCH()
	x = plane name:#mxseval
	x.lengthsegs = 10
	x.widthsegs = 10
	x.wirecolor = gray
	convertToPoly x
	select x
	max zoomext sel
	max modify mode
	viewport.SetGridVisibility #all off
	sleep .25
	x.vertexTicks = on
	subobjectLevel = 2
	sleep .25
	polyop.setVertFlags $ \
		(for n = 1 to 121
			where (mod (ceil(n/11.)) 2)==0
				collect n) 1
	x.convertSelection #Vertex #Edge requireAll:true
	sleep 1
	x.remove selLevel:#Edge
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if you manually remove edges using poly UI pressing button “Remove” with CTRL pressed, the method removes vertices. We have the same result doing evaluation of your code by CTRL+E .
it means that developers of editablepoly interface do CTRL pressed check on low level of remove function. very smart

I see, seems your right.

mxs also says that there is an internal method not exposed through polyop,
that internal method must be what happens when ctrl+e is pressed
something not possible with just the function .remove(), ironically

still an unexpeted behaviour. but good to know

thanks DenisT

just curious… why do you call redrawviews so many times?

another thing… try to remove edges being on object level. does it work the same way? to remove edges you haven’t to set edge level, but CTRL pressed check might work on edge level only.

too many refreshes, …to make it friendly,
it’s a exhibition script, to show the problem.

nothing related to how I would script something… :]

I wrote it a little fast, I should have placee the refreshes before each sleep

The problem happens even, if out of modify panel /subobjects,etc
or with the object not selected.

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very low level …

hehe, yes very low