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[Closed] MSComctlLib.TabStrip.2 not working

I am having some problem with the Pen Rigging Utility and it is not loading the way that it should. I know that it have something to do with the dotnet, but I am not that familiar with it. Everytime when I am trying to run the script, the following message show up:

–Runtime error: Cannot create the ActivieX control: MSComctlLib.TabStrip.2
Reported error message: Invalid slass string

I even reinstall the os, install .net2 and 3 and install max9, still not working. It work on some other machine that I have, but not for other, anyone came accross this issue? Thanks!

4 Replies

is it max 9 you are running? activex is not supported in max 9 and 2008.

After I install Max8, then it work on Max9 and 2008, but not on a 64bit machine. Is there any work around?


Unfortunately, there is no workaround for Win64, since microsoft stopped ActiveX support.
The only way is to update the script to use the Dotnet Tab control


Time to learn dotNet, it is far better then active X in my opinion so you are not waisting your time. And besides active X is dead.