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[Closed] MAXScript Listener & Render Scene

Im trying to get the MAXScript Listener to record my actions when Im inside the “Render Scene Dialog” But none of the actions I take in the Render Scene Dialog box are recorded. What can I do to start recording from this?

What Im trying to do is create a custom script that will allow me to setup PreCalc Irradiance Maps from Vray. Is this possible? Also is it possible to record actions from the Net Render dialog?


4 Replies

Not sure if this will help you, but you can use “show renderers.current” to access the settings of the current render engine. The irradiance Map stuff is probably in there somewhere.

where should I put that command? Or how should I structure it…

render show:renderers.current


No no, all the render settings are properties of renders.current. Use show to list them as they change depending on the engine you are using.

Look in the maxscript reference for more info

I’ve been checking out the Max Reference on this all morning. Im a little confused because everything I’ve seen seems to want to use ” render ” as the first command, when this is used 3D Max will start the render process.

What if I do not want the render process to start? And only have max script change my options in my render settings? Is this possible?

Update, I solved my problem, thanks!