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[Closed] MAXScript 2k8 – language keywords list


Since recently I’m using the standalone SciTE editor, now I wish to add the MAXScript language to it, but unfortually the file has none keywords defined (auto generated by 3dsmax).

So my question is, is there a public list containing all/most keywords used in MAXScript that I can use to complete the .property file so I can use it in SciTE?

6 Replies


You should extract the keywords for yourself,
has an ultra edit syntax file with all keywords (from I think max9).
Chris Johnson work(s)(ed) at autodesk so had direct access to all keywords… it’s the best one around AFAIK.


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How would you extract all keywords, Johan?

– MartinB

I don’t mind if it should be from max9, it should be close enough for most keywords against 2k8 I guess.
It might take me a few days to rewrite and validate all those tags into a SciTE .properties file, but ones done I’ll post an url to the file if anyone is intressed in having one to.

Anyway, thanks a lot Johan, you’ve been really helpfull.


Martin, I meant extracting the keywords from Chris Johnson’s UE file in the link I posted…
So just open it in a texteditor of choice and copy paste to your editor keywords format.



For those interested in the notepad++ maxscript.api and userDefineLanguage.xml file:


Looks promising. Thank you.