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[Closed] MAXScript: Control Mix Curve points in Falloff map
Feb 08, 2021 1:23 am
Hi all!
I am looking for a way to control points (add, remove, change) in the falloff map on the Mix Curve, but my searches have been unsuccessful. The only thing I found was some sample code to control the Mono_Color curve in the output map here:
How can I change the code shown here for the Mix Curve in the falloff map?
Thank for any help!
2 Replies
1 Reply
there was another thread where it was discussed before
here’s what you can do with c# sdk
delete objects
t = Teapot()
f = falloff()
t.material = Standardmaterial diffusemap:f
g = (dotNetClass "Autodesk.Max.GlobalInterface").Instance
cc = g.animatable.getanimbyhandle ( dotNetObject "System.UIntPtr" (getHandleByAnim f.mixCurve))
c = cc.GetControlCurve 0
new_curve_pt = g.curvepoint.create()
new_curve_pt.P = g.point2.create 0.75 0.5
c.Insert 1 new_curve_pt
new_curve_pt = g.curvepoint.create()
new_curve_pt.P = g.point2.create 0.85 0.75
c.Insert 2 new_curve_pt
-- c.delete 2 -- remove pt from curve
use showProperties and showMethods on c and cc variables to see what else you can do
or better read SDK reference about ICurve and ICurveCtl classes