[Closed] Lots of MacroScript compile errors. what´s wrong?
Hy community,
since a few days ago i get a lot of “macro script compile errors” when i enter certain menus or perform certain actions it looks like max isn´t able to perform macroscritps after a while of working with it anymore. The mysterious thing is that common max macros wich come with it by default cause that error. i get a garbage collect error as well quite often from nowhere. the mysterious thing is that i never perform a garbage collect if not needed…
is that a known error with a logic solution or do i have to reinstall max with everything conneted with it (plugs etc)
kind regards
try tracking down the bad script by removing all 3rd party macros.
Reinstall them in chuncks until the error rises.
I thought you did this allready?
Is this the misterious “garbage collection form outer space” invading your workstation every 13th of a month?