[Closed] Looping/Array Help
This is my frist post, and I am completely new to MaxScript. I watched a tutorials and started to play on my own whilst viewing further DVD’s.
I am wanting to return how many MTL ID’s are used on a selected Editable Poly object. So if the model has upto 5 MTL ID’s then the result will be 5.
I ‘think’ this is what has to be done:
[li]Search each face in the editable poly
[/li][li]Put the result into an array.
[/li][li]Add any new MTL ID#’s currently not in the array.
[/li][li]If a returned MTL ID # is already in the Array move onto the next face.
[/li][li]After each face has been scanned, count how many entries are in the array (myArray[].count?)
[/li][/ol]I would appreciated some help in this I understand this is so simple.
Many thanks
Thank you – I have found the functions I think i need, I am mainly for the moment stuck on compiling the logic together…will it be a combination of If, If else statements combined with for loops…
Currently I cant get my head around what it requierd. I can create the for loops to reutrn faces etc…but to get a for loop to search each face for a MTL ID # and then add the value to an array – this is the first step I am currently finding difficult, I hope to manage ok with the rest.
This code asumes you have 1 object selected and it’s a editable poly:
usedMatIDs = #() -- initial cleared array
for i = 1 to $.numfaces do appendIfUnique usedMatIDs ($.GetFaceMaterial i) -- the loop
sort usedMatIDs -- sort by number
print usedMatIDs.count -- print number of unique mat Id's
Thanks for the code snippet – i am looking forward to seeing the results…the code seems a lot more simplified than i imagined.
Thanks for the help.
ok I had a little play will be having a more detailed test after dinner. I seen this in your script and I never seen it before and when searching maxscript reference I could not see it – the only one I know of is:
Is ‘numfaces’ a shorthand version? –(Nevermind found it)
Why did u choose numfaces instead of polyop.getNumFaces
Also GetFaceMaterial is something I was looking for but never found it – i now have the reference thanks for this.