[Closed] Looking for a Simple Pivot script
i’m looking for a script that works the same way as the insert key in maya…you can select a group of verticies and then press insert and choose a vertex and the pivot for that sub selection snaps to that point then the others will scale or rotate around that point.
i tried it myself using some other pivot scripts for reference but ended up pulling most of my hair out as i couldnt get it to work
anyone out there have a similar script or know where i can get one
Hi leejamesclark,
i knew that works with older max version.
That is a thing a never use, but i tried to reDo it.So:
-With snap to vertex or whatever you want.
-Toggle pivot : on Transform Coordinate center/Selection center
-select some verices, lock it (space).
-you would see the blue snap cusor when over vertex.
if you see it you can Rotate or Scale about that point.
Use axis constrain to choose your axis, because gizmo is elsewhere.
i hope it help, even if it is a bit later.Actually didn t known any script that do it.Perhaps it is possible to make it simply as a macro, which locks the vertex and activate the snap.
try this:
macroScript SnapsTransform
toolTip:“Locks selection and acive snaps,with pivot center.To rotate/scale about a vertex”
actionMan.executeAction 0 “59231”
if not(snapMode.active) then max snap toggle
Thanks Man
took me a little while to work it out but got it to work and its cool
thanks again for the reply
not sure if i’ll ever get this max scripting but i wont give up