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[Closed] Look at to viewport camera

How can i look at constraint a simple object, let say a plane, to the perspective viewport camera?
It is possible?


3 Replies

Possible, but it updates too often.

unregisterRedrawViewsCallback OnViewportChanged

fn OnViewportChanged =
	if isKindOf ::NodesAlignedToView Array and viewport.IsPerspView() do
		for n in ::NodesAlignedToView where isValidNode n do
			n.dir = normalize ( (inverse (viewport.GetTM())).position - n.pos)
			format "updated %\n" (timestamp())


delete objects
Teapot isselected:true
global NodesAlignedToView = #( selection[1] )
registerRedrawViewsCallback OnViewportChanged

maybe this will do a bit better

unregisterRedrawViewsCallback OnViewportChanged
fn OnViewportChanged =
	if isKindOf ::NodesAlignedToView Array and viewport.IsPerspView() do
		local viewTM = inverse (viewport.GetTM())
		areEqual = (dot viewTM.row3 lastViewTM.row3) > 0.9999 and distance viewTM.pos lastViewTM.pos < 0.001
		if not areEqual do
			for n in ::NodesAlignedToView where isValidNode n do
				n.dir = normalize (viewTM.position - n.pos)
				format "updated %\n" (timestamp())
			lastViewTM = viewTM


delete objects
Teapot isselected:true
global NodesAlignedToView = #( selection[1] )
global lastViewTM = inverse (viewport.GetTM())
registerRedrawViewsCallback OnViewportChanged

another option is you can create an object thats constrained to the viewport and then use that as the target…

plugin Helper ViewportPoint
classID:#(0x47db14fb, 0x4e9b5f95) 
	local tnode;
	fn vpconst = if tnode != undefined and IsValidNode tnode then tnode.transform = inverse(getViewTM());

	on attachedToNode n do	
		tnode = n;	
		registerRedrawViewsCallback vpconst;
	on deleted do 
		tnode = undefined;	
		UnregisterRedrawViewsCallback vpconst;
	on create do completeRedraw();
	on load do
		tnode = refs.dependentNodes this firstOnly:true baseObjectOnly:false;
		registerRedrawViewsCallback vpconst;

The best method though is a custom plugin xform position constraint locked to the viewport

if you want it to work in orthographic views then change viewport constraint function to

 fn vpconst = if tnode != undefined and IsValidNode tnode then 
    tnode.transform = inverse(getViewTM());
    if not viewport.IsPerspView() then  tnode.transform[4] =  tnode.transform[4] +  tnode.transform[3] * 999999.0;

The constraining to a view is not a right idea. registerRedrawViewsCallback works only as a scene event and can’t be used in animation (rendering).
So the right solution is to constraint to a real camera node (transform) and to wire camera’s property controllers (if needed). This solution is trivial I hope