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[Closed] Look at object

Hi there, I’m having some trouble with a piece of code where an object has to look at another object by turning only on the z-axis. Whenever I apply the rotation it seems as if the object can turn both sides, not being predictable.

I hope anyone can help me

heres the code I’m using for testpurposes atm.

 lookAtTarget = $sphere01
transformTarget = $teapot01 
-- lookAt code
in coordsys transformTarget transformTarget.pos += [1000,0,0]
B=transformTarget.pos -- getting the directionvector
in coordsys transformTarget transformTarget.pos += [-1000,0,0]
print v1 as string
theAngle=acos(dot v1 v2)
print "blaat" + theAngle as string
rotate transformTarget (eulerangles 0 0 theAngle)
3 Replies

I seem to get it to work in a testfile, with “transformTarget.dir = v2” instead of using rotate. But, when I put this in a function and try to save the rotation in a transformmatrix it will move the objects when I recall it later.

normally you’d do this with a dummy linked between, and then disable the transform inheritance from the dummy to the object you want to rotate in one axis only (if that makes sense):

lookAt target -> Dummy(with lookAt constraint) -> object that rotates (linked to dummy and inheritance of z-rotation enabled/disabled in the motion panel)

or simply :

 myObj = if $Box01 != undefined then $Box01 else Box pos:[100,100,0] height:50 length:2
 myTarg = if $Sphere01 != undefined then $Sphere01 else Sphere()
 theY = myTarg.pos - myObj.pos
 theY.z = 0.0
 theY = normalize theY
 theX = cross theY [0,0,1] 
 TM = matrix3 1
 TM.row1 = theX
 TM.row2 = theY
 TM.row4 = myObj.pos
 myObj.transform = TM