[Closed] Long arrays display truncated
Hi all,
Here is my problem.
I’m creating an array (typically objects as array) whose then I write the contents into the user defined property window. The Problem is that the display of this array is truncated after a certain amount of characters so that it ends like this #(value1, value2, value3, …)
The goal is to store some arrays of objects to be displayed in the user defined properties of the cameras in the scene.
Of course if I access the array by calling its name, i get its full values.
I then create a user defined property which stores this array.
The problem is that I need to write the content of the property in a XML file. How can I bypass this limitation ? I thought about storing the array’s name instead of its values like :
theUserDefinedProperty = theArrayName
but I’m not so sure…
EDIT : I would like to store the variable’s name instead of its value, how to do it ?
Look up options.PrintAllElements.
NOTE: it is only truncated when printed to the listerner. All the data is there and can be accessed using normal array methods.
Great ! That is exactly what I needed. I know that the variable is not truncated, only its display, but it is just what i needed. Thanks !