[Closed] Long Scene saving problem max2009
I am desperately looking for help and I would be gratefull for any help. I am working on complex scene
contained physique, skin, morpher,cameras,lights,bones system etc.
The problem is:
scene is saving more than 2 minutes.
when I merged some obj, or different formats objects, even marged objects from other max sceene on my own scene, saving time is doubled
each time I import or merge something.
Even when I merged single object(no matcher which object, camera, lights, geomety) from my scene to empty scene,
scene is saving more than 2 minutes.I am convinced there is smoe bug on my scene inside whole objects.
I used reset xform on object but also without resoults.
Maybe You know some way to reset scene and other parameters without loosing scene, maybe some scripts or tools
who can clean up sceene. I work on 3dsmax 2009 without any plugins.
I would be gratefull for any help.
If possible try posting some objects (maxfile) from your scene it will help to find the bug.