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[Closed] LocalBevel

Hello, my first post here and I already asking for something .

Sorry for my english – tryin’ to improve it.

Well, I’m trying to find ” LocalBevel ” script


Unfortunately Bobo removed LocalBevel from his site probably because

of his successor ” BevelMan ” which I can’t use 🙁 .

So, if any of you ( including Bobo ) still have that script

or maybe something similar, could you share it

Thanks in advance

6 Replies

Ok. I tried to “code” something by myself,
Just a simple floater with Bevel and Extrude functions,
(I totally missing that when modeling in Gmax, it’s a pain
to go to Command Panel every time) and everything was right
till most important part came out; Extruding and Beveling.
I got stuck with polyop, getface, amount…

I’m pretty much beginner in 3D, and in MaxScript less than that,
actually this is my first and unsuccessful attempt :).

Ui with color picker

macroscript Extrude category:"LB"
rollout ExtrudeRoll "Extrude Faces"
	 group ""
	   colorpicker polyPick "" color:[0,100,0] pos:[150,32]
	   button ExtButton "EXTRUDE" pos:[15,30]
	   spinner extSpin "a" type:#integer range:[-1000,1000,0] fieldwidth:30 pos:[90,33]
	   label bevel ""
	   button BevButton "BEVEL" pos:[23,75]
	   spinner bevhSpin "h" type:#integer range:[-1000,1000,0] fieldwidth:30 pos:[90,77]
	   spinner bevoSpin "o" type:#integer range:[-1000,1000,0] fieldwidth:30 pos:[145,77]
	   label n ""
	 on polyPick changed newCol do
			$.wirecolor = newCol
	LBfloat = NewRolloutFloater "Extrude" 241 190
	addRollout ExtrudeRoll LBfloat

Any help would be greatly appreciated !

Actually, I did not remove it, it was probably lost while moving the page between providers. Will try to find a copy in my backups…


1 Reply
Joined: 11 months ago

Posts: 0

Found it, tested in Max 7 and it still works as before
The link from my page should work now.

But, not with Gmax 🙁 :).
Anyway Thanks for your effort.

Btw, could you look at my second post
Epoly (Emesh) Face Extrude/Bevel floater is basiclly all I need.


I would have to remove all history saving functions from it to make it work in GMax, as GMax cannot save anything. You can play with it to manipulate it yourself.
The reasons LocalBevel was written was that Max 3 and earlier did not support per-poly extrusions. GMax does, so you probably really do not need it.

I don’t have GMax installed anymore, so I cannot really test what works there and what not. If I can find some time, I will look at that floater questions…

After some deleting it works partially.
But, you’re right it’s not what I was looking for,
(although is good to have it) …my fault.

That’s why I posted this Face Extrude/Bevel help request.
It’s basiclly same what is in comand panel, but movable and
in compact size ( from reference:

polyOp.extrudeFaces <Poly poly> <facelist> <float amount>
polyOp.bevelFaces <Poly poly> <facelist> <float height> <float outline>

just that in floater with spinners )

I was thinking it wouldn’t be much complicated for experienced maxscripters,
otherwise I wouldn’t buggin with my Gmax problems :).
