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[Closed] Little bitty slider controls??

I’m working on a rollout that is going to have a large number of sliders on it. As it is now, the slider toggles are looking extremely bulky (in fact I find them that way in general). I’ve been using a plugin that has as part of its UI some sliders with toggles that are both smaller and narrower than on standard sliders. I’m sure I’ve seen this sort of thing before, but can’t remember where. Does anyone know how to make these?

16 Replies

Maybe you can use dotnet TrackBar-class:

  	global trackBarRollout
  	try destroydialog trackBarRollout catch()
  	Rollout trackBarRollout "trackbar" 
  		dotnetControl myTrackBar ""
  		on trackBarRollout open do
  			myTrackBar.AutoSize = false
  			myTrackBar.Size = dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Size" 170 20
  	createDialog trackBarRollout 200 50

Thanks much! One other question then… since it’s not a MaxScript slider, I guess I can’t automatically wire it to scene object properties. What would be the best way to set the sliders up as 2-way controls (i.e. they both affect and are affected by things they control in the scene?)

I dont think there is a way to automatically wire it. What kind of properties you need to wire it to? I’ve never used slider so I have no idea what you can do with it

If you don’t mind “hacky” way, maybe you could create normal maxscript slider and wire it (and do what you normally do with it) and put it somewhere outside dialog so user cant see it. Then when user changes values in dotnet trackbar, update your “hidden” slider according trackbar values. And other way around, when user changes something in scene, hidden slider gets updated and it changes dotnet trackbar values.

Well it doesn’t need to be actually wired. All I am concerned about is that the value of the trackbar and the value in the scene that it corresponds to can both be updated based on the other. In other words, if I have a trackbar set to control the radius of a sphere, and then manipulate that radius through Max’s built in utilities or through an unrelated script, I would like the value shown on the slider bar to update accordingly.

In recent versions of Max, this behavior is extremely easy to implement in slider controls. And I’m not familiar enough with dotNet to know how to set up the scenario I described above.

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Joined: 11 months ago

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 try(delete objects) catch()
 theNode = box width:10
 theNode.width.controller = bezier_float()
 try(destroydialog paramRol) catch()
 rollout paramRol ""
 	dotnetControl slider ""
 	fn updateParams param: = if iscontroller param do slider.value = param.value
 	on slider ValueChanged v do if isvalidnode theNode do theNode.width = slider.value
 	on paramRol open do
 		slider.AutoSize = off
 		slider.TickStyle = slider.TickStyle.None
 		slider.Minimum = 0
 		slider.Maximum = 200
 		slider.Size = dotNetObject "System.Drawing.Size" 200 16
 		if isvalidnode theNode do slider.value = theNode.width
 		if isvalidnode theNode do
 			deleteAllChangeHandlers id:#my_callback 
 			when parameters theNode.width.controller changes id:#my_callback c do updateParams param:c
 	on paramRol close do
 		deleteAllChangeHandlers id:#my_callback 
 createdialog paramRol width:230 height:30

if the parameter that you want to bind is your custom scripted parameter you can use its
on set event in parameter block section to change the slider value.

All right, I’m getting close now… Just one more thing that I need, and that is for the trackbar value to update when the time slider is changed (I’m going to be working with animated values, so that will be very important to have!)

I tried using the standard registerTimeCallback to match the trackbar value to the controller value, and it seems that sometimes the controller value starts getting changed along with or instead of the trackbar value.

Never mind, it was a mistake on my part. The time change callback works fine!

Thanks for all the help

Aaaaand okay, that was a hasty statement on my part. After further examination, I am still having the same problem. The reason I didn’t realize it is that the track view does not update until I click on it somewhere.

I think the problem is that the way things are set up now, the slider value changes based on the track view value AND the track view value changes based on the slider value, leading to some kind of undesired feedback loop. Not really sure, but that’s my best guess. Any ideas for solutions?


Post your code so that we can see what you are trying.

Well, I’m primarily working with a third party plugin, but I’ve posted the basic setup I’m using below. There are 2 serious problems occuring here: 1) The creation of unwanted keys by sliding along the time track, and 2) Failure to unregister time callbacks.

-- Scene setup
 delete objects
 fn setControllers b =
 	b.height.controller = bezier_float()
 	b.length.controller = bezier_float()
 	b.width.controller = bezier_float()
 b1 = box pos:[0,0,0]
 b2 = box pos:[100,100,100]
 setControllers b1; setControllers b2
 -- end scene setup
 try(destroyDialog RO_Trackbar)catch()
 boxArray = #()
 struct myBox (object, h, l, w)
 fn boxStruct obj = (myBox object:obj h:obj.height l:obj.length w:obj.width)
 fn createSubRollouts =
 	for i = RO_Trackbar.subRO.rollouts.count to 1 by -1 do (removeSubRollout RO_Trackbar.subRO RO_Trackbar.subRO.rollouts[i])
 	dynRO = stringstream ""
 	format "rollout RO_Objects \"Objects\"
" to:dynRO
 	format "(
" to:dynRO
 	for i = 1 to boxArray.count do (format "label lbl% \"%\"
" i boxArray[i] to:dynRO)
 	format ")
" to:dynRO
 	format "addSubRollout RO_TrackBar.subRO RO_Objects
" to:dynRO
 	format "rollout RO_Height \"Height\"
" to:dynRO
 	format "(
" to:dynRO
 	for i = 1 to boxArray.count do (format "dotNetControl tb% \"\" pos:[15,%]
" i ((i*20)-20) to:dynRO)
 	format "on RO_Height open do
" to:dynRO
 	format "(
" to:dynRO
 	for i = 1 to boxArray.count do
 		format "tb%.minimum = 0
" i to:dynRO
		format "tb%.maximum = 50
" i to:dynRO
		format "tb%.value = %
" i boxArray[i].h to:dynRO
		format "unregisterTimeCallback updateSliderH%
" i to:dynRO
		format "fn updateSliderH% =
" i to:dynRO
		format "(
" to:dynRO
		format "format \"testing3\
" to:dynRO
		format "try(tb%.value = boxArray[%].h)catch()
" i i to:dynRO
		format ")
" to:dynRO
		format "registerTimeCallback updateSliderH%
" i to:dynRO
 	format ")
" to:dynRO
 	for i = 1 to boxArray.count do (format "on tb% valueChanged v do boxArray[%].object.height = (tb%.value as float)
" i i i to:dynRO)
 	format ")
" to:dynRO
 	format "addSubRollout RO_Trackbar.subRO RO_Height
" to:dynRO
 	dynRO = dynRO as string
 	execute dynRO
 rollout RO_Trackbar "Trackbar Test"
 	pickButton pck_Box "Pick a box"
 	subRollout subRO width:155 height:200 offset:[-10,0]
 	on pck_Box picked obj do
 		theBox = boxStruct obj
 		append boxArray theBox
 createDialog RO_Trackbar
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