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[Closed] Listbox to display render presets

Im trying to create a listbox to display a directory of my render preset files
and on double click to execute the rps file

can someone help me with the script?

4 Replies

rollout VrayRenderSetting "VrayRenderSetting" width:200 height:296
	listBox lbxRPS "RenderPresets" pos:[8,8] width:270 height:6 
	items:(for o in objects collect
	on lbxRPS selected sel do
	on lbxRPS doubleClicked sel do
	renderpresets.Load 0 (GetDir #renderPresets + "The Filename")

theNewFloater = newRolloutFloater "ListboxRND" 300 220
addRollout VrayRenderSetting theNewFloater

this is all I have for now

	items:(Getfiles (GetDir #renderPresets + "\\*.rps") ) 

it display the whole directory path. how do I code to display only file name?

Try this:

rollout VrayRenderSetting "VrayRenderSetting" width:200 height:296
	local presetsArr = (Getfiles (GetDir #renderPresets + "\\*.rps") )
	local presetsNamesArr = for f in presetsArr collect (getFilenameFile f)
	listBox lbxRPS "RenderPresets" pos:[8,8] width:270 height:6 items:presetsNamesArr
	on lbxRPS selected sel do
	on lbxRPS doubleClicked sel do
		renderpresets.LoadAll 0 presetsArr[sel]

theNewFloater = newRolloutFloater "ListboxRND" 300 220
addRollout VrayRenderSetting theNewFloater

It works
thank you very much!