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[Closed] List Raytrace's maps


I’m trying to list all maps in raytrace material. It isn’t as easier as in standard mat, because there is no predefined maps array.
So I try this way :

  fn rtMat myMat = --myMat is a raytrace material
 	raytraceMaps = #("ambientMap","bumpMap","diffuseMap","displacementMap","reflectionMap","refractionMap","glossinessMap","specularLevelMap","luminosityMap","transparencyMap","environmentMap","transEnvMap","iorMap","translucencyMap","extraLightingMap","fluorescenceMap","colorDensityMap","fogColorMap","diffusionMap","specularMap")
  	 for i=1 to raytraceMaps.count do
  		classof myMat.raytraceMaps[i] -- doesn't work here

Someone’s got an idea on how to do to interprete a var value as an other variable ?

1 Reply

Hi Psyco. try this

 fn rtMat myMat = --myMat is a raytrace material
 	 raytraceMaps = #("ambientMap","bumpMap","diffuseMap","displacementMap","reflectionMap","glossinessMap","specularLevelMap","luminosityMap","transparencyMap","environmentMap","transEnvMap","iorMap","translucencyMap","extraLightingMap","fluorescenceMap","colorDensityMap","fogColorMap","diffusionMap","specularMap")
 	   for i=1 to raytraceMaps.count do
 		myMat2 = mymat
 		execute ("mapClass = myMat2." + raytraceMaps[i])
 		  class_str = classof mapClass
 		print class_str

don´t know why but the execute doesn´t understands the parameters from the function call, so i had to put the mymat on another varialble to this thing work. another thing is that was a refractionmap on your array which doesn´t appears on showproperties in a raytrace material. sorry my bad english and if i not made myself clear.
