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[Closed] Link and select button vs. .parent


I’m actually writing a script to construct a camera rig. I have a problem when i want to link a targetcamera to a helper (the camera is the child, the helper is the parent).
When i use the “select and link” button, everything is fine, the camera position doesn’t change. But when i script that with a “$camera01.parent = $helper01” the camera position changes. How can i script that link without affecting the camera position, just like if using the select and link button ?
Any help appreciated, thanks

2 Replies

hi Nico,

you could try

attachObjects <node1> <node2> [ move:<boolean> ]

Makes <node2> a child of <node1>. Resets the current location of <node2> to the location of <node1> unless move:false is specified.

so something like:

attachObjects helper cam move:false

Thanks Pete,

i’m reading the maxscript doc since a few days, and as a beginner, i’m lacking of “vocabulary” ! I missed attachObjects method – the result is exactly what i wanted. Thanks,