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[Closed] Limit fractional digits?


Is there a way to control the fractional digits of a randomly generated float number?

I dont want random 1 100 to return 87,3283 but to return 87,33 for example

6 Replies
	fn limit x n =
		(floor (x * 10 ^ n + 0.5)) / 10 ^ n
	local x = random 1. 100.
	format "% => %
" x (limit x 2)

EDIT: edited the function a bit to avoid conversion to integer and back

Thank you very much!
Seems that I’m a bit slow…could you explain (maybe pseudocode?) What exactly that function requres and processes? I of course may only copypasta it but I want to understand it…and as I said I feel I’m a bit slow at getting this code ^^

the main part is the function definition of ‘limit’
the rest is just an example of use.
limit expects 2 input parameters:
x – the number we want to limit
n – the number of digits on the right of the decimal point that we want.

I have edited the function a bit so that it will be easier to understand and so that it will be a bit more efficient.

the function do the following steps in one math expression:

  1. multiply ‘x’ by 10 in the power of n so that all the wanted digits will be on the left of the decimal point .
  2. add 0.5 to round off the smallest digit. (if you want to chop, remove this part)
  3. delete all digits on the right of the decimal point using the ‘floor’ function.
  4. divide by 10 in the power of n to return the number to it’s original size.

Hope this explains it.

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this function needs a little tweaking for negative numbers…

I didn’t give any thought to negative numbers, I admit but it looks like it’s working ok to them. Can you give an example?
I get these results for example and I think they look ok:

-89.8469 => -89.85
-48.2213 => -48.22

(limit -0.5 0) is 0… it has to be -1.0