[Closed] Lightlister script
Hi there
Is there any script like Blurs LightControl/Light Utilities that works with mr lights? Has anyone any insight why they are ignored?
They’re ignored because back when the script was written, mr didn’t exist for max I think MarcoBrunetta’s suggestion is your best bet.
- Neil
Does that mean, it just needs some code rewrite, adding classes, functions and all that(not that I have the time right or any idea how to now)? I really like that Blur/Soulburn script stuff, but I need to do some jobs in mr.
Yes, it’s just needs some extra code. Unfortunately, my contract prohibits me from modifying that blur script, so either you’ll have to find someone else to modify it, use that other script that was mentionned, or wait until I get a chance to rewrite the script from scratch as a soulburn script. I wouldn’t wait for option 3 though, it would be a huge job and I have limited time (but don’t we all <G>). Sorry I can’t be of more help.
- Neil
http://www.scriptspot.com/3ds-max/vray-light-lister-0 <– that one supports both MR and Vray if I remember correctly.
Neil, no need to be sorry, yo have been more help already on different occasions to me than you can imagine.
But there is no contract that prohibits me from modifying that script(just to be sure) and publish it. I will credit the guys who wrote the core stuff, I just need that mr option and I think this will be usefull for others too.
Nope, unless you signed a contract that states otherwise, they’re free to modify and redistribute as you wish. This is from the blurscript page:
“If you wish to use a piece of this code in your own work, please include the original author’s name in your script as a contributor.”
And I can’t see blur complaining that you updated one script, especially since none of them have been updated in 7 years
- Neil