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[Closed] Light per pass with RPM and VRay
Nov 19, 2009 7:38 am
Anyone use both RPM and VRay?
This will create one pass per light in the scene but I’m having problems with VRaySun and with the VRaySun in a Daylight assembly head.
if not do RPMdata.RMopenFloater()
global allLights = #()
for a in lights where classof a != Targetobject do --and classof a != objectset
append allLights a
global existPasses = RPMdata.GetPassCount() --store the existing number of passes
("PassCount:" + existPasses as string)
capSet = RPMCaptureProps.createCaptureObjectSet() -- create a new capture set. Would like to add the Name at this point
lightCapture = RPMCaptureProps.getMyPropDefinitions lightinputarray:#("On") --Define the properties
RPMCaptureProps.assignCaptureProperties #(1) lightCapture --Assign the properties to the capture set. Would like to use the appropriate index here if there were existing CaptureSets
RPMCaptureProps.addObjectsToSet 1 allLights suppressProgress:false -- Add all the lights to the CapSet
--Build a pass for each light
for i = 1 to allLights.count do
lightname = allLights[i].name
RPMdata.AddPassSetup setname:lightname noEdit:true
--turn off all lights
for k = 1 to allLights.count do
if (hasproperty allLights[k] "enabled") then allLights[k].enabled = false
else if (hasproperty allLights[k][2] "enabled") then allLights[k][2].enabled = false
else allLights[k].on = false
--turn on the corrisponding Light
if (hasproperty allLights[i] "enabled") then allLights[i].enabled = true
else if (hasproperty allLights[i][2] "enabled") then allLights[i][2].enabled = true
else allLights[i].on = true
RPMCaptureProps.OPcapture_object allLights
1 Reply
Nov 19, 2009 7:38 am
for anyone interested Grant from RPM sorted it out for me. The propper script is here:
if not do RPMdata.RMopenFloater()
global allLights = #()
for a in lights where classof a != Targetobject do
append allLights a
global existPasses = RPMdata.GetPassCount() --store the existing number of passes
print ("PassCount:" + existPasses as string)
haveCreatedLightSet = false;
--Build a pass for each light
for i = 1 to allLights.count do
lightname = allLights[i].name
RPMdata.AddPassSetup setname:lightname noEdit:true force:true -- the force stops it asking about creating a camera
if haveCreatedLightSet == false do -- if we call these before a pass is created it errors.
-- assume there is only one
capSet = RPMCaptureProps.createCaptureObjectSet() -- create a new capture set. Would like to add the Name at this point
RPMCaptureProps.setCapSetName (RPMCaptureProps.getnumcapsets()) "Lights"
lightCapture = RPMCaptureProps.getMyPropDefinitions lightinputarray:#("On") custominputarray:#("enabled")--Define the properties
-- work around the problem that the last call didn't actually do what it should have and add the supplied custom property:
lightCapture[7] = #("enabled")
RPMCaptureProps.assignCaptureProperties #(RPMCaptureProps.getnumcapsets()) lightCapture --Assign the properties to the capture set. Would like to use the appropriate index here if there were existing CaptureSets
RPMCaptureProps.addObjectsToSet (RPMCaptureProps.getnumcapsets()) allLights suppressProgress:false -- Add all the lights to the CapSet
haveCreatedLightSet = true;
for k = 1 to allLights.count do --turn off all lights
if isproperty allLights[k] #on then (
allLights[k].on = false --turn on the corrisponding Light
else if isproperty allLights[k] #enabled do(
allLights[k].enabled = false --turn on the corrisponding Light
if isproperty allLights[i] #on then (
allLights[i].on = true --turn on the corrisponding Light
else if isproperty allLights[i] #enabled do(
allLights[i].enabled = true --turn on the corrisponding Light
RPMCaptureProps.OPcapture_object allLights