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[Closed] Jbullet to 3ds max

Hi there.
I am trying to export animation from jBullet to 3ds max.
But the final animation in 3ds max is ending a bit joggy.

This is what I am doing inside jbullet:

//Paint the window and render the objects
public void clientMoveAndDisplay() {

        float ms = getDeltaTimeMicroseconds();

        if(dynamicsWorld != null && !idle) {
            dynamicsWorld.stepSimulation(1 / 30);


Now grab the objects flagged to export animation and get their world transform.
Is this right??

    //in the main render flow

      for(int i = 0; i < numObjects; i++) {
            final CollisionObject colObj = dynamicsWorld.getCollisionObjectArray().get(i);
            final RigidBody body = RigidBody.upcast(colObj);

            if(body != null && body.getMotionState() != null) {
                final DefaultMotionState myMotionState = (DefaultMotionState) body.getMotionState();
                if(body.getRecordAnimation()) {
                    Transform t3d = new Transform();
                    AnimationCache.record(body, t3d);

//This class save the animation's frameNumber and the current transformation
//AnimationCache class
public static void record(final CollisionObject collisionObject, final Transform worldTransform) {
        objects.get(collisionObject).add(new FrameInfo(frameCounter, worldTransform));

Then save the animation to a file on this format
pos.x pos.y pos.z quat.x quat.y quat.z quat.w

public static void saveAnimation() throws IOException {
        final Iterator<CollisionObject> itObj = objects.keySet().iterator();
        while(itObj.hasNext()) {
            final CollisionObject collisionObject =;
            final BufferedWriter output = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(".\\out\\" + collisionObject.getName() + ".dat"));
            output.write(collisionObject.getName() + "
            output.write(objects.get(collisionObject).size() + "
            for(final FrameInfo frameInfo : objects.get(collisionObject)) {
                final Transform t = frameInfo.getWorldTransform();
                final Quat4f quat = new Quat4f();
                String transformation = t.origin.x + " " + t.origin.y + " " + t.origin.z + " " + quat.x + " " + quat.y + " " + quat.z + " " + quat.w;
                output.write(/* frameInfo.getFrame() + " " + */transformation + " 


And finally read everything from maxscript like this:

while not eof f2 AND not errorState do (
         --Based on 6 items per line...will give screwy results if that is not the case
        object.pos.controller = bezier_position ()
	object.rotation.controller = bezier_rotation ()
	at time frameNumber object.pos.x = readValue f2
	at time frameNumber object.pos.z = readValue f2
	at time frameNumber object.pos.y = readValue f2
	qt = quat (readValue f2) (readValue f2) (readValue f2) (readValue f2)
	at time frameNumber object.rotation = qt

And here is the snippet of the list generated by the jBullet implementation:

-7.000207 2.9911888 2.999814 -4.107783E-4 -1.7762213E-5 4.1528684E-4 0.9999998 
-7.000335 2.9798827 2.9997628 -5.624294E-4 1.0352664E-5 5.876959E-4 0.99999964 
-7.0012197 2.9665523 2.9996061 -0.0011199893 2.864436E-4 0.00124055 0.99999857 
-7.004677 2.9636376 2.9993298 -0.0012620256 2.5463334E-4 7.622685E-4 0.99999887 
-7.008398 2.967768 2.999191 -0.0017345948 4.2187166E-4 3.6495627E-4 0.99999833 
-7.009858 2.9741921 2.9996693 -0.0017635843 3.577837E-4 4.8657088E-4 0.9999983 
-7.0134134 2.9883368 3.001272 -0.0018693976 5.0782727E-4 2.7283697E-4 0.9999981 
-7.014315 2.9899888 3.0029392 -0.0017539648 5.522331E-4 4.9749546E-4 0.99999815 
-7.0163903 2.9918454 3.0063407 -4.3341625E-4 2.313659E-4 1.04258484E-4 0.9999999 
-7.017004 2.9897406 3.008818 -3.0255402E-4 1.4276913E-4 7.255005E-4 0.99999964 
-7.018611 2.987876 3.0144236 8.316229E-4 3.0872683E-4 0.0018217392 0.9999979 
-7.018618 2.9887652 3.0165792 0.0014158944 2.9269894E-4 0.0022854072 0.99999636 
-7.0169835 2.9905205 3.0216334 0.0020224128 2.823276E-4 0.0018376223 0.9999962 
-7.0154414 2.9912636 3.022513 0.0020788629 3.1878965E-4 0.0013048297 0.9999969 
-7.01305 2.9930182 3.02532 0.0021114894 2.6886715E-4 0.0010094913 0.9999972 
-7.0108914 2.9941247 3.0269902 0.0020880918 4.7242292E-4 7.5766357E-4 0.99999744 
-7.008967 2.9946783 3.0278869 0.0019483349 4.068205E-4 5.989755E-4 0.99999785 
-7.0068746 2.9948816 3.0285518 0.0018824388 3.313562E-4 4.2963063E-4 0.99999803 
-7.004844 2.9937909 3.028725 0.0021439963 2.1812133E-4 9.0445035E-5 0.9999977 
-7.0037045 2.9930723 3.026589 0.0017745745 2.460887E-4 1.0532421E-4 0.9999984 
-7.0023766 2.9934387 3.0235438 0.0014615756 2.557883E-4 -9.372302E-5 0.99999887 
-7.0013795 2.9943132 3.0198746 0.0010445961 1.3627057E-4 1.0653105E-4 0.9999994 
-6.9992614 2.9947402 3.0183303 6.200564E-4 6.1223796E-4 6.866971E-5 0.9999996 
-6.9988275 2.9947445 3.019064 7.8080187E-4 3.2051373E-4 -3.2027478E-5 0.99999964 

The position seems to be quite right but the rotation is jumpy.

What I am doing wrong? Is the frequency calling the stepSimulation method? I have to do something else with the quarternions before exporting?

5 Replies

Please somebody help me!!!

everything in c part of the code looks right for me. I don’t see any problems there.

in maxscript part:

  1. remove assigning of node’s controllers from while loop
  2. read position and rotation (quat), make matrix3, and apply whole matrix3 to node’s transform

thank you for your answer.

But can you please show me how to translate the whole frame data ( pos.x pos.y pos.z quat.x quat.y quat.z quat.w) into matrix3 object?

thank you so much

pos = point3 (readvalue f2) (readvalue f2) (readvalue f2)
rot = quat (readvalue f2) (readvalue f2) (readvalue f2) (readvalue f2)
node.transform = translate (rotate (matrix3 1) rot) pos

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